Question AMD 3200G broken pins + No Post/No display issue

Dec 6, 2022
I received an AMD 3200G with a few broken pins and a few bent pins. I was able to straighten the bent pins to allow the CPU to fit in the socket but it wouldn't post, no beeps from the speaker and no display from the VGA port. I suspect the broken pins are the issue or it could just be the CPU is fried.
The power fan does come on and stay on so something seems to be working. on the Biostar A320MH v6.7 motherboard.

The 3 pins in question are:
A3(VSS) - There seems to be many VSS pins so I think I am ok with this pin missing
A4(DP0-TXN[2]) - Is A4(DP0-TXN[1]) the same as DP0-TXN{2]) ?
K9(P_GFX_TXN[6]) - Is K9(P_GFX_TXN[6] the same as P_GFX_TXN[7]) ?

If A4/K9 are duplicated then on other pins then I either have a fried CPU or bad memory.
If A4/K9 are not duplicated then those 2 pins may be the issue....

Thanks in advance for your help...
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

I received an AMD 3200G with a few broken pins and a few bent pins.
If it came that way out of the box, after purchasing brand new, return it! If you bought it used, you should've spent the money elsewhere.

If pins are missing, resolder them. If you can't resolder them, well, find a repair shop that will do it for you.
I bought the motherboard and the person threw in the CPU for free so was hoping to salvage it if possible. What I am trying to find out is if those pins are truly required pins or not. If not required pins then having them missing isn't the problem....

P.S. Thx for the welcome....
Well after much fiddling around and multiple CPU and memory insertions/removals and CPU pin straightening I got POST to work! I suspect the last CPU pin I straightened solved it but whatever it was I am not going to play with it anymore.