This is an extremely biased (blind even) take, for several reasons.
It's not like Tom's Hardware didn't gain the reptuation over the internet for Intel bias over the decades w/o reason, you're known globally as "Pro Intel" through & through amongst the tech viewership. Even I've known about it 20+ years ago when I was just a teenager reading Tom's Hardware and reading your sites articles back then.
Paul gave these new EPYC chips a 4.5/5 star score. That's about as high as it gets; 5-star reviews have to be "perfect" and that almost never happens.
Yet this Genoa review was so close, yet you had to "Come Up with a reason arbitrarily" to prevent it from doing so....
Sus as eff.
Intel's consumer chips (which is what you're referencing) support both DDR4 and DDR5. If you want maximum performance and are willing to pay for it, go DDR5. If you want a good midrange or budget option, stick with DDR4. AMD does not offer this flexibility with Zen 4. For the record, Raptor Lake also got 4.5/5 stars. I don't see you pointing out the list of power and cooling requirements as being unreasonable.
Yet you didn't add in "- Early adopter tax for DDR5" to RaptorLake's review for some reason, even though it would be just as applicable.
Conspicuously missing from Intel's review for some reason.
Just because DDR4 is an option, doesn't change the fact about DDR5 either since DDR5 was a huge selling point.
It's not like consumers wanting a new CPU wants to gimp their CPU performance with last gen DDR4 when DDR5 was a option.
As Paul notes, we haven't seen Intel's competing solution, Sapphire Rapids, which has been delays about a year now. Comparing server and consumer reviews to try for a biased hot-take is also misguided at best, intentionally stupid and misleading at worst.
Is it? Because from a average consumer/reader/viewer, it doesn't seem misguided from our PoV.
The same fact should've equally applied to a Intel review, but it ONLY got brought up for a AMD review, just to give it a "CON".
You literally had to search for a "-Con" to be applied for the sake of it.
Do you understand how that makes you look/sound to the average consumer/reader/viewer?
We always need to come up with something (often multiple things) to list as a con. Con doesn't mean "THIS IS THE WORST THING EVER" but rather "This is something to consider." Saying DDR5 costs more is the only con listed, and you're acting as though we slammed the product for it. Again, intentionally biased or misguided: take your pick.
- Ok, that's fine if you want to come up with Something to list as a con, as long as it's applied evenly to both companies products when it's applicable.
- But to ONLY have it show up on AMD's review, yet not on Intel for some reason, you can see how from our PoV how that's biased?
- JaredWalton, I know you've worked for Tom's Hardware for quite a while, but how that makes you look "Biased" is REALLY bad. That shows Favoritism towards a company because you didn't apply it to their review when it was equally pertinent.
Here's the RPL vs. Genoa review summaries side by side. And you'll notice that it doesn't say "DDR5 Support" but rather "Early adopter tax for DDR5." Again, not the end of the world, but you will spend a lot more money on a Genoa system's memory compared to something that still uses DDR4. And that's okay, because for servers the cost of the hardware often pales in comparison to the software and other aspects of ownership (TCO).
It's not a matter of being the "End of the World", it's a matter of even handed analysis and applying it to both.
When RaptorLake came out, the fact that the "Early Adopter tax for DDR5" was equally as important to a consumer comparing platforms at that time shouldn't be lost on you.
Yet it was carefully omitted from the "Cons:" section.
Can you start to see how we, the readership sees that as biased?
You might want to consider applying it evenly to BOTH SIDES, especially when it's technically relevant to both sides.
I bet when the competing Intel Sapphire Rapids chips arrive next year, and DDR5 is required and costs a lot of money, that will still get called out in the articles. But until then, try pulling your head out of the sand and exercising some common sense. A high rating with only a single "Con" should immediately tell you the product is good. The consumer Ryzen parts got a 4/5 star rating, largely because the DDR5, chip, and mobo costs become far more significant on the consumer side. 🤔
We know it's quite good, but other less discerning or informed readership / viewership might not.
That's why they come here, because you guys have been around since the early 1990's.
But they might not understand your PoV, and when you do things like this, it literally gives ammo to those who are already weary of your reputation because of what you did.
Then why isn't the "-Early adopter tax for DDR5" applied to the Raptorlake review as a "Con"?
It's not like DDR5 wasn't more expensive for Intel consumers?
It's not like DDR5 wasn't a Early Adopter tax for new Raptor Lake customers?
Just because DDR4 option existed, doesn't mean DDR5's "Early Adopter Tax went away"!