AMD 64-bit drivers for windows 7


Aug 26, 2011
Hello there!

I've been trying to solve this problem for a week, but it seems that the issue is beyond my hands, so ive decided to ask from you guys. :3

This thread applies for both win7 and amd grapichs category, but ah well.. here's my problem:

I have Windows 7 build 7601 (debugged and fixed version [oh the irony!!]), and ive veen trying to install AMD graphics drivers for my R4850 OC edition for quite a bit now. The problem is, when i'm trying to install the drivers in windows nromal mode whilst CCC is trying to get info about my hardwere, i get BOSD, and there it says, there's something wrong with pci.sys file.

When i tried in windows safe mode (also with networking) it just said it couldnt acsess something (sorry guys cant remember what it was, too bad i didn't write it down). So i poked around a bit and found out 2 possible solutions:

- install c++ restributable (which didnt work)

- tried to enable windows installer (which didnt work aswell)

Other things ive been trying to do:

- Doing a clean install by wiping all the visual drivers with 3d guru driver sweep

- Trying to install older drivers

- Trobuleshoot in many ways (including microsoft Fix-It[which also didnt help])

I'm out of my wits end and any of the solutions you guys have for me i am willing to try out.

Thanks in advance!

- Kristjan

this has nothing to do with the BSOD

Indeed i did, ive installed it as admin, but i dont have to, since i changed the settings to that i could do anything w/o premission.

But thanks for the reply!!:)

EDIT: Ive tried to install the graphics driver several times, and its worth mentioning that whilst installing other programs(like skype, microsoft security essentials, any kind of browser..) I don't get BOSD, but i get lot of errors .

For example, ive installed skype successfully, but it doesnt run... whilst logging in i get error report and the program closes...

With MSE, i get an install prompt, and when it starts, it just wont finish and it rerolla the install.(even had problems installing internet explorer 9[gladfully it works more or less])

Kind of sucks, cant basically do anything, ah well... Only solution i see is to wait for Win7 service pack 2.

Oh yeah, its also worth mentioning that reinstalling windows (with reforrmatting the harddrive) didn't help aswell, ive reinstalled windows for 4-5 times now.

Also worht mentioning... Yes!! My windows 7 is fully licensed, not cracked, im a legit guy afterall :):)

The latest CCC from AMD is version 11.8 try to install it and see what happens, you also can try to download the individual Display driver and give it a try.
tell me, when you installed the Win7, was the GPU identified as HD 4000 series with WDM ?
another thing i recommend is to open windows updates and install the proper updates for windows (include win installer, C++, Netframework.....) then try to install the CCC 11.8

Thanks for your efforts, i really apricciate it!!:)

I'll try the indivitual driver trick. And again, youre right, i am using the windows base driver at the moment( ive tried to disable and uninstall it whilst installing radeon drivers).

I'll give it a go for the driver only trick (tho id want to have CCC, to spin down this card's agressife fan profile), well amd driver alone still better than the windows junk.

Also update: Tried to install Microsoft live essentials(msn), installed w/o problems but wont even start, keeps throwing errors at me (not even offering solutions of any kind, except to reinstall).

all those issues happen because you don't have the inappropriate updates as i said before (win_installer, net framework, C++) and i had the same issue of BSOD with both nVidia and AMD, it's not a driver issue, it's more related to win7 exactly i solved it with the proper updates, and once i swapped for win7 ultimate without any issues...

The thing is... My copy of windows (debugged/fixed) in theory should have all the updates preinstalled, and ive tried to reinstall those sepperately, with no success, even those "update updates" crash whilst installing, no BOSD, just crashes and error reports. 🙁

That's why am im so angcious to get sp 2 when it comes out :)

First time since i changed from vista 32-bit to windows 64-bit, and yes i have 64-bit capable processor, when i installed ultimate, the serial key wasnt compatible, as i have license for professional, but i installed it successfully(test mode) and i had all the issues i've listed above, i don't know what the hell is going on with my windows :/
just do as i told you above, speaking about Windows and license can ban this thread 😀, so install the win7 ultimate even as a trial but with the latest sp1 and the updates i mentioned, and let's see what is going to happen

Yes i have tried, the thing is, as i have debugged/fixed build i have ALL the updates, and i've tried reinstalling em, reinstall just gives me errors, and those will fail to install.

I am trying to reinstall windows for the 7th time now, ultimate for the second time as we sepak. 😛

microsoft only download and install the latest generic (WDM) driver not the full drivers set by AMD, and as long as the card is up and running there's no hardware failure... simply this problem should be solved if he installs Win XP but we are trying to help him as much as we can to install the Win7 64 bit
the last option we can try is to update the BIOS of the GPU, put it's sometimes a painful process so let's wait and see what will happen
Just installed ultimate, it came with no IE this time(what the hell happend there.. i dont know;s), turned on automatic updates myself and viola, yet again.. had all the updates preinstalled, said to me that there was nothing to download which is funny because if it had i woulndt be able to get them as i had no IE. And yes ilysaml is correct yet again ,no hardware failures, as the whole system ran well in xp and vista. I'm am going to try to install win 7 professional again, but this time the European version, gonna see what it has to say about itself 😉
Most Windows 7 installation problems are normally due to memory errors a system that works fine with windows XP may fail on Windows 7 due to the memory. Try running a memory test program such as memtest86 overnight.

Thanks for the tip! I'll do that, tho i have brand new memory, maybe a week old now , but i'll do it :) i'll just take memtest form boot menu( as i can't install anything onto my machine 🙁 )
if you get a BSOD while you install win7 it's certainly RAM, but if you install all your drivers normally and just have a BSOD with the GPu driver it's not certainly the RAM, list all your system specs

-Intel Core2 Duo 1.86ghz E 6300

-4sticks of A-data 1gb modules 800mhz

-550watt chieftec psu (bronze)

-Msi R4850 oc edition

-Dell mobo

- 2x 500gb western digital caviar blue series

Tbh the oldest pieces prolly are vga card and mobo.. everything else is quite new, got the computer from my aquaitances office where it was used for 1 year until they changed the whole computer inventory, so yeah only pieces i harvested from that was prolly mobo, and processor (2 y/o) and vga card is 3 y/o (used for half an year tbh) , everything else is brand new.

So i installed windows 7(european version of professional) again and i got the same problem, IE missing!?.. tried to change Program access and default programs, when i tried to apply, it all crashed, and gave me an error report.

From the last comment i take that, you guys want me to change my old parts, vga and mobo??

From my point of view, i think somethings messed up with win7 kernel, so i guess i'll just have to wait for sp2.

Thanks for your help guys, you are great!:)

Yeah i found out myself before reinstalling windows 7 professional again, poked around in the web a bit.. Well this IE thing still hasnt solved my problems 😛