AMD-6800k Stock Cooler upgrade? Plus how do I know if an aftermarket one will fit in my case?


Mar 15, 2014
Hi, I recently created a budget build for school/gaming, I noticed that sometimes after a game of League of Legends or playing some Skyrim, i'll open up Speccy and my CPU Temperature will be in the 80's to even the 90 degree Celsius range. So i'm looking to buy a new CPU cooler, but i'm unsure if the new cooler will fit in my case. This is my build:

CPU: AMD A10-6800K 4.1GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard: MSI A78M-E45
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-2133 Memory
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
Case: Sentey GS-6070 Abaddom ATX Mid Tower Case
Power Supply: SeaSonic 520W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply

In my case it appears that there is at least room for another stock fan so I'm not sure what size I cooler I can get. I read somewhere that the stock cooler that came with my processor is 1 7/8ths inches.

I can spend up to like 60 bucks. And I want to at least keep my processor cool enough to where I don't feel like im going to blow it up. And i'm not sure if my Motherboard has a place to put a back plate on.

Thanks for your help.
cooler master Hyper 212 evo will be the best cheap solution. it will fit in your case and the back plate for the cooler will fit also. the standoffs for cases are a standard size so every case has the same space behind the motherboard.

cooler master hyper 212 evo is $35 USD or cheaper.
There will almost be enough spaces if motherboard standoffs are being used (those little brass screws under the motherboard). A10-6800K utilize socket FM2, and the case has a height of 190mm (take 20mm off of that for motherboard/standoff/possible space behind motherboard tray). With that in mind, a CM Hyper 212 Evo will be the best option in terms of price/performance and compatibility. It is compatible with FM2 and has a height of 159mm.


So are you saying that I should be able to fit it onto my motherboard if the standoffs are being used (which they are)? With this cooler what kind of temperatures am I looking at?


So in my case I have that large 180mm fan, do you still think it'll fit or will I need to remove it?
are you sure your temps are even high? I was using HD monitor and thought my 5800k temps were around that, then i downloaded the software with my asrock mother board and speed fan and both said i was heaps cooler under load. Apparently HW monitor has major issues with this series of CPU, plus any temp reading is just an approximate anyway. If your not throttling and dont mind the noise from the little fan, it might be worth checking this first.

I think it will fit, but I have no source to proof it as there is no data on the dimension of that fan.
I have an Antec 900 II case and the hyper 212 evo prevents me from using my 120mm side fan. To cure this issue I attached an 80mm fan with rubber bands to hold it in place. The side fan is mostly used to feed fresh cool air to the CPU's with stock coolers and dual GPU setups. I found in my case that the side fan pushes to much air on the GPU and makes it run hotter, so I turned it around to suck the hot air out from the GPU.

Each case is different but if that fan is over the CPU you will need to remove, move or replace it with something else if you want a fan there. Since you don't have a dedicated GPU, the side fan will do little good if you change the CPU cooler anyways.

I measured the side fan in my case, it is 25mm is its width. So my case is 7.44 inches wide which is roughly 188.976mm so 188.976 - 25mm = 163.976mm so I should have room for the Hyper 212 EVO which is 120 x 80 x 159? Should I still get this cooler even if there is only a about a 5mm clearance? Or should I go with a smaller one? Newegg has a ARCTIC Freezer 7 Pro Rev. 2, for 17.99 right now but the dimensions on Newegg are different than the manufacturer website, also on Newegg it says it doesn't support FM2 but on ARTIC'S website it says it does. But it's smaller than the Hyper 212. If you have any other suggestions please let me know. Sorry about all the questions, I just want to be sure.

Alright, I'm going to go with the 212 Evo, I really appreciate your help. I'll come back in a few days and tell you how it goes.