Hey guys I'm trying to optimize my PC for the best performance in-game and in general, mostly for H1Z1. My target is to shoot for 120fps stable, but I need to overclock my cpu to a decent stable OC as well as my graphics card which is a Radeon R9 200 Series don't know which exact one it is but I'm pretty sure its a 270x if not 280x. So if anyone can help me get a stable overclock that'd be nice and very helpful I'll post my CPU Specs and GPU Specs as well below.
CPU: http://prntscr.com/9gi1d8
GPU: http://prntscr.com/9gi1ze
Thanks in the future, by the way I don't want to do the BIOS settings rather use AMD OverDrive.
CPU: http://prntscr.com/9gi1d8
GPU: http://prntscr.com/9gi1ze
Thanks in the future, by the way I don't want to do the BIOS settings rather use AMD OverDrive.