AMD 7870 wont fire up after install


Dec 3, 2014
I need help starting my computer up while using the new card I installed. It boots, but black Screen. I have to unplug the power on the new gpu so it will boot up on the integrated graphics. Everytime I try to start with the new GPU plugged in, it boots up but black screen and TV says no connection
Not sure if this info helps, But before I installed win 8.1pro I kept getting code 12 errors and never could get it working properly accordingly to Device Manager. After installing win 8.1pro and uninstalling the drivers and reinstalling them it at least showed up correctly in Device Manager
Bios was VERY lacking in my opinion. I dont remember seeing either of those options. I saw a disable PCI e and a enable pcie snooper. whatever that means. I will look at bios again right now to confirm