C codangsta Reputable Jan 18, 2016 2 0 4,510 Jun 25, 2016 #1 I get terrible frames playing this game.. with everything on max it dips to 30fps and goes as high as 70 amd 8320 oc 4.4ghz
I get terrible frames playing this game.. with everything on max it dips to 30fps and goes as high as 70 amd 8320 oc 4.4ghz
Solution toot12311 Jun 25, 2016 the game is a mod and is very poorly optimized. I dip frames with a i5 6400 sadly just the nature of the game
the game is a mod and is very poorly optimized. I dip frames with a i5 6400 sadly just the nature of the game
toot12311 Reputable May 28, 2015 658 0 5,160 Jun 25, 2016 Solution #2 the game is a mod and is very poorly optimized. I dip frames with a i5 6400 sadly just the nature of the game Upvote 1 Downvote Solution
the game is a mod and is very poorly optimized. I dip frames with a i5 6400 sadly just the nature of the game