AMD 8350 / Corsair dominator (2x4 gb) question cooling question.


Mar 26, 2014
Hello there fellow readers.

I just got my rig up for around a week now, and it goes pretty good (I think).

I just replaced my PSU yesterday, from an xfx 550 core pro edition to a CM G700 :)... After I did that I wanted to try the corsair cooler, which came along with the ram - so I installed them (Quite easy - here is a link for them:

When I woke up the beast, I noticed some changes in my temperatures. My CPU went from a working temperature on 25-35 to this, after half an hour (FC 3, 30mins - everything on ultra at 60 FPS)


I know it inset that much of a change, but I still think its quite hotter then it used to be.

Here is a picture of my idle system temperature (nothing excepts chrome, skype and MSI AB open)


Hope you will share your opinions with me 😀 Best regards from Denmark.