AMD A-10 5800k and GTX 760/R9 270x


May 6, 2014
I have AMD A10 5800k with AMD HD6670 on ASRock Extreme 6 Mobo with Corsair VS650 SMPS. I want to upgrade my graphic card to either GTX 760 or R9 270x. I been have reading threads that say 5800k will bottleneck 760. How much performance degradation will be ? And any solution for this as i don't want to change my processor.
my bro paired a gtx660ti which is on par with the gtx760 and roughly the r9 270x and he has been able to play anything he wanted on 1080p ultra settings, probably not constant 60fps if you're nit picky about that, but I can't tell much of a difference from my own build. Truth be told I could have probably saved alot of money and still been just as happy with an AMD, I really don't play cpu intensive stuff.

in summary, you'll be fine. I'd save the money and get the r9 270x so you could use Mantle as well. The a10 5800k is essential the Athlon x4 750k which Tom's hardware recommends alot on 1080p budget gaming
It won't be that much of a factor. The 5800k isn't the best gaming cpu but it'll do the job until you get to the really high end stuff. The cost to upgrade the cpu is not worth the benefit, just keep it and get the new video card. (760 outperformas 270 bit a bit but also costs more).

Thanks for helping, can you suggest any medium to high range AMD gaming processor.

Will R9 280x will be okay with my PSU Corsair VS650. And will it be okay with my processor.

You can't get much better with an FM2 motherboard than your current processor.

Therefore I recommend you build an Intel i5 system, using an i5 or a Xeon/i7, all depending on your budget. You could go the AMD route with an AM3+ motherboard, with an FX-6350 for 8350 or whatever you please, but in all respects, Intel will give you better gaming performance and upgradeability, along with not a lot of trade-offs.

Going for a better i5 CPU (think the i5-4670K) or even better the Xeon 1230v3 or an i7 will remove your CPU bottleneck.

Hope I could help!
my bro paired a gtx660ti which is on par with the gtx760 and roughly the r9 270x and he has been able to play anything he wanted on 1080p ultra settings, probably not constant 60fps if you're nit picky about that, but I can't tell much of a difference from my own build. Truth be told I could have probably saved alot of money and still been just as happy with an AMD, I really don't play cpu intensive stuff.

in summary, you'll be fine. I'd save the money and get the r9 270x so you could use Mantle as well. The a10 5800k is essential the Athlon x4 750k which Tom's hardware recommends alot on 1080p budget gaming

Thanks guys, i think i will go with GPU upgrade only. Anyways which one is better Sapphire R9 270x dual-x or Vapour-x. Also will R9 280x be okay for my setup, PSU Corsair VS 650 and AMD A10 5800k.
faster ram only matters if you're using the APU's integrated graphics, and if you're going to do that, get 2133mhz memory and not 1866, the jump isn't big enough to be worth the 70+ bucks on a new 8gb set of ram.

Just get the dedicated gpu. Your cpu would bottleneck a r9 280x which is essentially an hd7970ghz, but it won't be too bad as long as you're not playing cpu intensive stuff like Starcraft all the time, which I never cared for the game anyway. I just get console ports very cheap on sale and max them out on ultra and enjoy them. Something that you would really notice is putting your OS on an SSD though. Get the r9 270x and with the saved money get a 120gb-250gb SSD.

Also, the dual-x is fine, that's what is on my HD7950
The R9 280X will be fine and total system load will not likely exceed 400w. The 270 will pull 50w+ less watts. An R9 290 would work just dandy, too, if you want to game above 1080p.

The faster your RAMs and UNB, the higher your memory bandwidth. This can help in some games BUT other than purchasing a single stick (to run 4x4GB dual-channel) memory is not your best investment at this point. The graphic card is where you need to speed your cash.

I am going to build an Athlon 750K, HD7950 & DDR3 2400MHz rig today so I can run some synthetics and give you a *general* idea of potential performance gains.

I suspect a decent improvement with a point of diminishing returns. The Trinity APUs introduced the *UNB* with a single 256-bit 'fusion compute link' (FCL) to memory -- which Kaveri has doubled (in addition to a third FCL for cache coherency). I suspect the single FCL on my 750K (same as your 5800K) to put a 'squeeze' on gains the higher I go.


thanks a lot, I will be waiting for result.
I'm now cruising along at 4.6GHz-1.325v UNB 2500MHz-1.225v
with some cas10 DDR3 2400MHz ...

Bumping the UNB clock speed to 2500MHz (1.225v) from default 1600MHz increased memory bandwidth 19% and decreased latency 12% ...


I'm testing both UNB speeds in 3DMark on an HD6570 1GB DDR3 and an HD7950 3GB DDR5.

The HD6570 results looked good -- I'll run the 7950 this afternoon.

edit: posted the wrong pic ...


I bought sapphire r9 280x dual x. While playing crysis 3 with all setting Very high & AA as SMAA 2TX , i am getting frequent frame drops. Should i use only FXAA instead of others AA. Also any way to monitor the frame rates & also what is the minimum frame rate for smooth playing.
I get all those xxAAs confused, too :lol:

FXAA should have the 'minimum' impact. SMAA will likely bring your frames to a crawl in Crysis. Disabling it should bring higher frames.

Using Crysis as an evaluation is really tricky. It can bring high-dollar systems to their knees. As far as your settings and frames (and this accounts for all games, really) it's a matter of personal preference.

A game like Crysis can work at 30-40FPS and allow you breathing room to enjoy the graphics. Other games depending upon your preferences may play best at 50-60FPS.

Any other issues? Temps and voltages okay?