AMD A8-5600k APU + AMD Radeon HD 7790 Crossfire?


May 28, 2013
If this is possible, it must be pretty damn powerful right? If not, what is the highest AMD graphics card that can be crossfired with the APU?
The highest suggested is the HD 6570, but it will work for HD6670, the gains will be almost nothing above HD6570 though.

To be honest a singe HD7790 without dual-graphics crossfire with your CPUs onboard GPU will perform BETTER than any APU dual crossfire setup. THis is very possible on your PC.
Don't go A10-5800K & GeForce unless you are going to get a 660. The dual graphics supported by the A10-5800K and Radeon 6670 will provide way more bang for your buck up to that point. At 1080P the AMD APU/Radon 6670 is more than capable of high settings on most games when configured with proper RAM/MoBo/SSD.