AMD A8 6600K Running at 100 Degrees Celsius even after Thermal paste applied.


Mar 11, 2016
So I have an AMD A8 6600K APU. It never used to overheat or get too hot, it used to be pretty fast too. I overclocked it about a year ago from 3.9 GHz to 4.6 GHz (I did the automatic overclock).

When I did that, it would just keep shutting itsself down (Obviously to protect from overheating and damaging).

So I put the clocks back to original speed and the temperature went down to normal (around 40 Idle and about 60 under load).

I hadn't monitored my CPU's Temperature for a long time (Maybe a year or so). About a week ago, I downloaded and installed CoreTemp to see what my temperatures where.
At Idle, it will stay around 65-70 with the occasional jump to 80 and back.
Under any sort of load, even about 20% load, it will go up to 90-100 Degrees.

I would assume it would shut down at that temp, but it doesn't. Even in the BIOS it will start at 40 and go up 1 by 1 untill about 80.

Here is what I have tried:
- Underclock CPU - Didn't work
- Clean case fans for air flow - Didn't work
- Clean Heatsink fan - Didnt work
- Re-apply Thermal Paste - Didn't work.
- RE-apply Thermal Paste after removing old one with alcohol cleaner - Didn't work.
Take every single component out of the case, clean every part of it, whilst re-applying thermal paste once again - Didn't work.

I don't have the money to buy a new cooler, but as far as I am aware, although AMD APUs run hot, the stock cooler should be sufficient enough to keep the CPU at a regular temperature.

Is there a sensor that is broke and reading the temp wrong?

My pc generally runs the same as when temps are low.. And the Heatsink feels pretty cool even when cpu reads 100. But how can the BIOS be reading it wrong ?

I recently changed paste too, AMD APU.. The temp was still too hot so I turned set the CPU to 99% and that dropped the temp by about 15 degrees.

Also, try a program called "Core Temp". It'll tell you the proper temperature.

Yes it went to about 93 Degrees :/

What do you mean turned set the CPU to 99%?
And i did use CoreTemp like i said..

Yeah but CoreTemp is telling me it is running at over 100 Degrees



70 degrees is about the highest I get now, before I changed the paste it was 90 degrees steady....


I will give this a go, Thanks!

EDIT: This made it a little stable, but it still goes to like 110 sometimes, I think it is just reading the temp wrong, thanks for the help!

Another thing I just thought of,.. Is your system cooling set to active or passive?


Active sets the fan to speed up before slowing the processor down when it overheats. This should help some more.