Reply didn't post, so there may be a double.
But yeah, folks calm down, i wasn't entirely serious! 😀 Expected the backlash, though.
But yeah when it's Intel or Nvidia related there are lots of comments like that, which is what i was poking fun at.
I know OpenCL is open (duh), but i was simply wondering whether this deal b/w AMD and Adobe is like the AMD-Corel tie-up for WinZip (initially restricted). That's all. The rest wasn't serious.
Blzorthon: Never even mentioned you man! 😀
And anyway, whether or not the graph/chart starts from 0 or not is inconsequential, it's a kink, it doesn't mean much. You're supposed to look at the numbers at the side as well, not just the graphic. Again, it's usually Nvidia not starting graphs from 0, and people keep going on about it even though it's stupid.
And does anyone remember the comments on FCAT? "Oh noes nvidia made tool definitely skewing results!"...
Intel increases performance 10% every year, they're flamed for it, Vishera just about out-performs Deneb and it's like "Woooooo! Go GO GO".
So yeah. Wasn't serious, but i have noticed this over affection for AMD, perhaps ARM too ("Intel cant do shitz, too inefficient!").
Was just calling it out. Not particularly saying anything about AMD, more about the Tom's community, or maybe the tech community in general.
Relax. :lol: