AMD Advanced Clock Calibration (ACC)


Oct 20, 2011
Can anyone describe with details as to what the heck does ACC do? I've searched many places, my mobo guide and even AMD themselves, nothing explains really what it does. All i know is that it only benefits Phenom I processors and not Phenom II. Since I am using Phenom II 955BE with MSI 870-G45, just wondeirng if its any useful to my processor.

Its disabled by default. But no one seems to know what explicitly ACC do.


Jan 2, 2009
Advanced Clock Calibration is a performance accelerating feature. This feature is available with the AMD 790GX platform and can enable a greater performance tuning margin for the AMD Phenom™ Black Edition CPUs. The optimal gain can be seen in configurations that use high-end CPU cooling solution in combination with elevated CPU core voltage (CPU VID) value.With standard overclocking 2.5 GHz CPUs can go up to 3.0GHz limit. However, with the Advanced Clock Calibration feature overclocking of the processor can be extended to 3.2 GHz and beyond. The value of Advanced Clock Calibration (ACC) can be adjusted either via AMD OverDrive Windows utility or through the System BIOS menu. Three options are available when the feature is enabled: “AUTO”, “All Cores” or “Per Core”. The optimal value for typical Overclocked scenario is normally +2% for Phenom 9850/9950Black Edition and +4% for the Phenom 9600Black Edition CPU. The optimal value can vary depending on system configuration, voltage level and cooling solution.


Oct 20, 2011

Please don't copy and paste a website answer from Not helpful and just junk information that don't explain a thing.

By detail as I said means how will it affect individual cores. Since Phenom II BE has +12/-12 and from what I've gathered already, Phenom II ACC is already implented, so it is off by default. What I want to know, how does is affect OC and stability since I can get the CPU to 3.7 ghz by stock voltages.

But when reaching higher clocks, it crashes and wont go 3.8ghz.