In the market for upgrading my system currently but I wanted to know which would be a smarter thing to do right now. I have the AMD athlon II X4 640, ASUS 785TDv EVO along with 8GB DDR3 RAM and a radeon 6870. I use my system for mainly gaming and some video editing. I noticed that even on my 19inch monitor @ 1400x900 I'm not happy with some of the FPS i get in some newer games. I'm pretty sure it's the my athlon's fault as it's not a gaming CPU.
So my question is would an AMD phenom II X4 965BE or an Intel i5 3550/3570k and a new mobo be more helpful in games.
A little side note- another reason why it's hard for me to pick is because If I just go with the phenom upgrade I'll have enough $ left over to upgrade my monitor asap. Which would be a full 1080p monitor @ 1920x1080.
So my question is would an AMD phenom II X4 965BE or an Intel i5 3550/3570k and a new mobo be more helpful in games.
A little side note- another reason why it's hard for me to pick is because If I just go with the phenom upgrade I'll have enough $ left over to upgrade my monitor asap. Which would be a full 1080p monitor @ 1920x1080.