AMD Announces Gaming-Series Radeon DDR3 Memory

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Right so a 22% performance increase on a platform we know is limited by memory bandwidth -,3419-8.html - pretty expected. I haven't seen one in a while so it may have changed but discrete GPU's got nothing like the performance increase APU's did from this iirc. Plus much more bandwidth means a much faster ramdisk? Really? I never thought that'd be possible!
the ram industry is a complete joke... i actually fell for it when i built my first computer... purchased 2gb over 4gb because the mhz was higher and the heatsink was bigger, lmao.
What these guys said:
"Still ram is limited by the CPU. What is the point of 2133mhz if the processor limits its speed to 1600mhz without doing a bios tweak?"
"S_K lets be fair the stuff is likely rated at 1600Mhz and the pour on the voltage."

The RAM looks cool, but I know my "gaming" motherboard won't push that voltage/speed without taking a dump. I have a feeling a lot of people will have problems getting this RAM up to the stated timings, voltage, and speed.
PC DDR3 was non-JDEC compliant for the first year of its life running at 1.65V. If you check newegg, even now only 25% of all PC2133 runs at 1.5V. $155 for 4x4GB of pc 2133 is pretty good according to Newegg also. Yes they used a memory constrained test to show increased performance. If you were trying to sell your product, you would use the most favorable test's as well.
Some people just bitch because they can....
I personally thinking AMD needs to give up all these side business's and focus on what made there company great. Low priced High Quality unlocked CPU's for the budget gamer and budget computer market.
In my eye's AMD has been going down hill since it took the risk of buying out ATI. I agree ATI has made them some profit and they have done a great job with it. The problem is the last great processor to come from AMD was the 939's.
hotroderx, buying ATI didn't cause the downfall of AMD, but rather it was Intel killing off the P4 and getting its act together with the Core2.
The problem is that Intel has vastly more money to spend on chip dev, and their fabs are a whole generation ahead of everyone else. The combination makes them unstoppable. The only solution is anti-trust legislation that forces them to spin off their fabs, or at least provide fair access & pricing to fab chips for competitors.
The whole point of this RAM is that they guarantee it to work with AMD platforms at the advertised speeds. It's no more expensive than other maker's offerings so I don't understand the animosity.

Likely with a highly overclocked apu graphics performance or when used as a ram disk, I read the page but it wasn't very specific.
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