AMD Announces Radeon R9 290X GPU

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The price to performance ratio on this card is outstanding. Hopefully the GPU market will once again be something of high performance, fierce competition, and low prices. Now I would love to see AMD pushing like this in the desktop CPU department as well.
Very nice card, my only concern is g-sync. Without it even if the benchmarks show better fps. The end user experience won't be as smooth even with higher fps. It's not just outright speed, it's end quality as well.
I'm included to agree with reehay tho the bills are in reference to my kids school fees, and I try not to curse on the forums (much).

Good story Kevin ... try to get us some more detail and get some benchies up quick.
great buy........going to order a couple for crossfire.........suck it Titan.......nvidia wanted to systematically loot us of our hard-earned $$ and this one gives more performance than the Titan at almost 1/2 the price.........the Titan Killer is here........
This is the temporary end of Nvidia's price gouging. POS company. This is why I refuse to buy any Nvidia hardware. AMD could have sold this gpu for $1000 but decided to sell at a reasonable price for consumers. Never support a company that pulls this crap.
I think the worst thing about the Titan was the launch timing and ya the $1000 price didn't help.

But a spring launch? Did nVidia sell any? Once the nice weather comes, my PC time falls to almost nothing! I suppose if you live in Australia, the seasons are reversed... Or way down south where it's always warm(you don't know how good you have it)!

It's getting dark earlier and cold here in the North East🙁
Yeah, how dare Nvidia try and make a profit! You should be blaming AMD for Nvidia's high prices. With no competition, they could charge whatever they wanted. Anyone in their right mind would do the same. I'm sure Nvidia will be dropping their prices. Only good things on the horizon for consumers. Now if AMD can just get on the ball with their CPUs to drive Intel's prices down.
Meh... Depends on what resolution you play at... 1360 x 768 on 33" 720p TV $150 for HD 7850 is perfect... Perhaps two 7850 for a 50" + 1080p TV? $300 ... The $550 seems a rip off if you ask me...
Not sure why people are raging so much at nVidia, they had the fastest single gpu card on the market, they can charge a good penny for it, and i feel people are way to easy to forget the software quality diffrence, you get nVidia ods are you Will get smother fps better quality sli. In not a nVidia fan boy im getting the 290x myself, but this is facts. Microstuttering is a big amd problem.
I want to see benchmark of this card with a custom cooling solution. I bet that this card will be able to run at 1ghz all the time with better then reference cooling design
Titanfall. Lol, basically, this makes the Titan look like a joke, and for the price of a single Titan you get 2 of these, which make it look like an even bigger joke, I wasn't expecting anything too good, but this blew my mind. On paper tho, still gotta know how it performs in real conditions, a couple reviews and gameplays should be convincingl
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