3060 $1200
3070 $2000
3090 $4000-6000 at least... it is pure flagship product. It does not have to be cheap.
While they could charge any price they want AMD has history of not price gouging on their high end.
If we go back to the 2nd gen Threadripper we see
The Threadripper 2950X's MSRP was $899 at launch with a price per core of $56.18
The Threadripper 2970WX's MSRP was $1299 at launch with a price per core of $54.12
The Threadripper 2990WX's MSRP was $1799 at launch with a price per core of $56.21
A relatively stable $54-56 per core range.
Now with the 3rd gen Threadripper prices are a bit higher, currently $58-62 per core.
The Threadripper 3960X MSRP is $1399 with a price per core of $58.29
The Threadripper 3970X MSRP is $1999 with a price per core of $62.47
If AMD launched the 3990X at $64 a core it would be $4096, a mathematically elegant 64x64.
This seems like too good of an opportunity to pass up on for AMD to rub the 64 figure in Intel's face.
At the same time it would match the pricing scheme they have been using.