AMD Apologizes For RX 560 Spec Change, Ensures Full Transparency With AIB Partners

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Yeah, because just changing the name to RX 560LE or somesuch because the initial naming or ability to change it now is completely out of their control. Instead of adding a couple letters that will still keep the name short and make it easily recognizable, we feel leaving it up to the vendors to specify the CU count on an intentionally misleading product is the best answer.

One of the few things I dislike more than willful stupidity is when people/companies double down on it and try to spin it as a positive.
If they were just selling the revised version and not both, they could have hid behind the "specs subject to change without notification" so often seen on products. Instead, they just went in the direction of confusing buyers with no name change at all. It's bad enough with the NVidia GTX-1060 nomenclature, but this doesn't even have anything, outside of the specs themselves, to warn you.
I don't know if this is willful deception or they really just thought their partners would take care of making the distinction (which is ignorant). But, people that got the 14cu versions compared to the 16cu obviously did not receive the performance they paid for and AMD needs to offer a partial refund or exchange program.

The different between this and the 970 incident is that nVidia knowingly deceived their customers and we know that as fact. We as of yet do not know that about AMD, though, it is more likely than the excuse they gave.

I hope Tom's does a small review to show how much of a performance difference there is between the 2 cards.
I complained when nvidia did this with the 1060 3g vs the 1060 6g, and ill complain when amd does it as well.

Having 2 products witht he same name but different hardware is stupid. Its not new, but all the players need to STOP doing this.

My guess would be that they are planning, or at least had planned at some point to release another card this generation between the 1060 and 1070. There's a massive price gap between those two cards after all. They probably would have already if cryptocurrency mining hadn't driven up the cost of cards this year.
IMO, Its AMD's way of saying...

"Here @ AMD we somehow f%^k some of our gpu products from time to time and mess with consumers to increase attention and suddenly in your face well give u a clever diversion that interprets... DITCH THIS STUPID GPU CARD AND BUY VEGA INSTEAD..."

AMD... Dont mess with consumers.. They might fight back and say..

"Oh.. Vega u say eh?.. How about buying a Gtx 1070Ti instead and post a pic of it in your official Amd forum and add a caption on it that says.. Does this Gpu card looks like im f@#king up with u Amd?.. " LOL.
I have been praising Lisa Su's integrity, but her integrity is now in question!

Call it RX 560 TOT (Trick-Or-Treat), RX 560 GFD (GPU For Dummies), RX 560 LSI (Lisa Su's Integrity), ... : )

AMD paycheck collectors' names are still the same whether 2 balls or 1 ball, aren't they? Yes, indeed.

Blame on AIB OEMs to damage the relationships, what a coward and wow!
Repeat to each of AMD paycheck collectors until they are eliminated or properly retrained:
Your name is still the same whether 2 balls or 1 ball, isn't it? Yes, indeed.

"We apologize for the confusion this may have caused."

Stop copying politician's sentence and go by the fact: We apologize for the confusion this has been causing.

Actually, no need to apologize but an explanation as below:

Can you tell a car is an in-line-4 or V6? Not until you drive it, or some dummies can't even tell when they drive it. It's buyers' responsibility to know buying an in-line-4 or V6, isn't it?

Buyers: But car manufacturers let us know about the two choices upfront.

AMD: But you aren't buying cars, are you?

Paycheck collectors are just having fun with buyers, aren't they? : )
Next, AMD could be even more creative and gave people more options and offerred 4 ways to spell its CEO's name: Lisa Su, Liza Su, Lisa Zu, or Liza Zu, the same person anyway : )
Sure about that? If they paid less than the faster version would have cost then they got what they paid for. (Though perhaps not what they wanted/expected.)

As a consumer I don't buy graphics cards made by AMD but by their "partners".
While I also agree that AMD should have been far more transparent and open about this change in production it's my opinion that the card manufacturers are to blame if they sold these new products without clearly stating that there's a difference, so they should be liable to make refunds and/or replacements.
This is rubbish, you cant buy a car advertised as a V8 and just end up with a V6 that has "similar performance", it doesn't happen, this rubbish can't go on, but has been going on for too long in the GPU market. How hard is it to market it under a different name if its a different product? Completely unacceptable.

If you buy a GPU and the specs on the box say one thing and the actual specs, but only on some, are different, yet the same price, then people did not get what they paid for.

AMD supplied the chips to AIB partners and had a responsibility to ensure that the differences were made known to the customers. Ultimately, when you buy an AMD GPU, be it from Sapphire, ASUS, whomever, AMD is the primary OEM and they do have certain levels of control over marketing and sales.

Where ever the failure was, it's ultimately AMD's responsibility to see to it that this mess gets corrected.
Which is why I clearly stated lower price, not "same"!

That's not what the article is about. People paid the same and got less. Hence my original post.
Even if they paid less, if there was nothing to indicate they were getting a lower specced GPU then that's not ok. It would have just looked like a good deal on a 560, and people may not have purchased it if they knew the reason it was cheaper was that it was a lower performing product.
History is repeating as with Radeon R7 260X that I bought 3 years ago, it was cheap from a re-seller, but with less cores than specified.
But there are two variants of GTX 1060, not only 3GB vs 6GB differs, but alos CUDA cores, initially not specified by nVidia. They were cheating as well.

It was, just the naming is shady. Should have been a 1060 3gb or a 1060ti 6gb, that would make it clear there is a difference other than VRAM. nVidia knew what they were doing, yet very few people hold their feet to the fire for it.

I clearer comparison is the 970 3.5+0.5gb fiasco.
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