Sorry it took a bit to respond. What you want to do if you want to 'lock' the processor to a minimum frequency is to disable the appropriate 'power management' or 'advanced power management' or get into the 'apm' settings - whatever Asus might call it in their bios. What you should to do is read the book for your mobo and find the correct settings in the bios - it could be buried somewhere.
What it does is enable or disable the dynamic frequency under load to keep always it between 3100mhz and 3700mhz. Make sure you leave the 'turbo boost' enabled (this allows the 3700mhz operation), but you're not worried about the efficiency which (as mentioned) should be under the apm section which covers the downclocking to save power.
Also, it -could- be controlled by the cool n quiet bios setting. In fact, try that first as it's a single enabled/disabled. Face it, you don't care if it's cool and quiet while gaming, right?