M Mohammed_4 Reputable Sep 16, 2015 72 0 4,630 Sep 17, 2015 #1 amd athlon 5350 or e8400 , which is stronger? for gaming .
Unolocogringo Illustrious Dec 31, 2007 7,970 773 38,390 Sep 17, 2015 #2 Definately the E8400. Most games only use one or two cores. So 2 cores@3.0ghz is a lot faster than 4 cores@2ghz for most games. Upvote 0 Downvote
Definately the E8400. Most games only use one or two cores. So 2 cores@3.0ghz is a lot faster than 4 cores@2ghz for most games.
B boosted1g Titan Jun 12, 2013 14,847 9 81,765 Sep 17, 2015 #3 They are both old and very outdated, the e8400 would suck less. Upvote 0 Downvote