AMD Athlon 64 x 2 6000+ 4 ddr2 gigs ram, adding 4 gigs of ddr2 ram, and replacing the nvidia GF8200A (V1.0) Motherboard's 9


Jan 13, 2014
AMD Athlon 64 x 2 6000+ 4 ddr2 gigs ram, adding 4 gigs of ddr2 ram, and replacing the nvidia GF8200A (V1.0) Motherboard's 9800gt 512 with a hd7770 1 gig gpu a viable way to go about this? I've been looking through site after site of the best possible combination. I have 650W PSU. Would this be possible? Does adding 4 more gigs of ddr2 ram when the gpu will take most of the brunt help? Will the ram help the cpu from bottlenecking? And most importantly will this ruin the mother board... please help bring this into perspective for me..
It depends on what you want to do with the system. If it's gaming, you're doing a nice upgrade (however, your processor isn't that fast).

If you want better windows performance I'd buy an SSD disk (Crucial 240gb), that will deliver much more overall speed benefits.
Thanks That's another thing I'll add in when I can afford it. But with this lay out the crap processor, will this end up running my computer into the ground instead of up the performance?
And it is for gaming, I want to be able to run GW2, ESO, FF XIV. Those are all newer games.. so I'm not sure I may be just overdoing it. This has been my computer for 2 years. It's relatively old and way outdated. I thought gpu + ram might be a nice compliment to help me out, but athlon 64 x2 is crap
I had a hard drive btw 250 gig not sure what type, it would have been stock with the machine I'm sure, do hard drives run faster now as well? Or does that rely on ram?