Hey guys.I over clocked this procesor from 2.70Ghz to 3.0Ghz with Vcore of 1.4250v
Before i was at 3.12Ghz with 1.4500v..
Now, if u guys could help me is this voltage of 1.4250 good for this clock? My temperatures are rly good(i use am cooler) and PC seems to be stable..
Dont worry about my MoBo, she's good
I just need ur opinion should i go higher or lower!
Before i was at 3.12Ghz with 1.4500v..
Now, if u guys could help me is this voltage of 1.4250 good for this clock? My temperatures are rly good(i use am cooler) and PC seems to be stable..
Dont worry about my MoBo, she's good
I just need ur opinion should i go higher or lower!