AMD Athlon(tm) 64 x2 Dual core processor 3600+ overclocking


Jul 28, 2014
hy guys i can someone please show me how to overclock it because the games are strugling.
i don't want high overclock just around 20%. the pc has 2 gigs of ram and 32bits operation system.
p.s. can't open the bios

What kind of game?
We need to know your Graphics card as well.
the MoBo is Biostar nf61s-m2a v1.0
but don't know how to open the bios (i tried every single f1-12 and other combinations)

the graphics card is gt 430 and the game is CSGO


Did you try delete key?


after enter the bios what to do : ?


Look for Performance booster zone
Then change the CPU frequency
Try small increment