Hey guys, I've used the same laptop for 6 years now and I'm finally buying a PC, well I already bought one.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/281336903522 (it was $550 when I bought it) is the PC that I bought. It was cheaper than building it because I don't have an OS (which would have tacked on $80) and it met my price range exactly (I only have $5 left in my bank account! YAY!)
I'm just wondering what you guys think of it, will it be able to run my games on max settings? I looked up a few videos of the GPU (GTX 660) playing games on ultra, and it looked great, but I'm worried about my CPU bottlenecking it.
I'm not too interested in super benchmark games like Witcher 3... Just want to play WoW with no hiccups while raiding primarily, and Arma 3 looks interesting to me, as well as maybe Overwatch.
Am I right to be worried about being bottlenecked? My Centrino duo core in my 6 year old laptop (along with 260m graphics) is able to run WoW on the lowest settings at a constant 100 FPS except when raiding, which drops it to 20 fps, and locks up completely sometimes, so that should pretty much stop, right?
Also, would I be able to run games like Arma 3 (fairly cpu intensive) without overclocking? If not, with overclocking?
Thanks for any responses.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/281336903522 (it was $550 when I bought it) is the PC that I bought. It was cheaper than building it because I don't have an OS (which would have tacked on $80) and it met my price range exactly (I only have $5 left in my bank account! YAY!)
I'm just wondering what you guys think of it, will it be able to run my games on max settings? I looked up a few videos of the GPU (GTX 660) playing games on ultra, and it looked great, but I'm worried about my CPU bottlenecking it.
I'm not too interested in super benchmark games like Witcher 3... Just want to play WoW with no hiccups while raiding primarily, and Arma 3 looks interesting to me, as well as maybe Overwatch.
Am I right to be worried about being bottlenecked? My Centrino duo core in my 6 year old laptop (along with 260m graphics) is able to run WoW on the lowest settings at a constant 100 FPS except when raiding, which drops it to 20 fps, and locks up completely sometimes, so that should pretty much stop, right?
Also, would I be able to run games like Arma 3 (fairly cpu intensive) without overclocking? If not, with overclocking?
Thanks for any responses.