AMD BF4 HD7970 Heavy FPS drops


Sep 2, 2013
This is insane, i bought the GPU not long ago and i can't even get BF4 to run at 1920x1080p. I have everything set to medium and low except mesh quality on ultra. 90fov.

System specs:
Win 7 64bit
Sapphire HD7970 OC (1000/1450)
8GB of RAM

Any radeon users having this fps drop issue? been getting annoying lately.
The problem isnt your pc its the game amd has a new driver beta out check there website out.
Seems as if the game has so many problems being new like BF3 HAD SO IT MAY TAKE SOME TIME IF you dont have the new beta drivers from amd get them and hope this helps.
Just my 2 cents.
The problem isnt your pc its the game amd has a new driver beta out check there website out.
Seems as if the game has so many problems being new like BF3 HAD SO IT MAY TAKE SOME TIME IF you dont have the new beta drivers from amd get them and hope this helps.
Just my 2 cents.
i have terrible stuttering most of the time in bf4, i can play bf3 on ultra smoothly with really good fps (between 66-120), in bf4 i have great fps (identicals to bf3 i can say) but terrible cpu spikes. i have an Intel 4770k @3.5, 16Gb RAM @2133, XFX 7970 ghz edition, psu cooler master 850W and Windows 7 64bits on a SSD Kingston 240Gb and a WD 1Tera Black (where the games are installed), so you can see i have a more than capable pc to run the game, dice need to fix all the issues we are having, we should not be trying to unpark cores and trying to find more fixes to run the game properly. BTW i'm using catalyst 13.9 drivers, i haven't tried the beta 13.11