FAIL - made for consoles first? DIE consoles DIE.
""It is absolutely the end goal to create a development ecosystem where first-party games will be written to the games consoles first"
I want games made for PC first, then ported to mobile. Can't wait for consoles to sell like crap (like wiiu, vita & 3DS) and PC's take back over totally as the dev platform. If AMD believes this is a great strategy (which has held us PC gamers back for YEARS!) I hope they die and get replaced by NV once Denver hits. At that point they'll have their own cpu, NV can crank up denver to as many cores as equal to ~75w (haswell/richland wattage) and pair it with a Maxwell gpu. Design games on that in opengl/webgl/opencl/html5 (take your pick) for very simple porting to mobile when the pc dev part is done and never being held back by consoles again. Consoles can just go away under this idea, and so can DirectX/Microsoft having us by the nuts. Without dependence on directx I will have lost my need to upgrade MS operating systems and office. I can move to another office (many out there, most free and do what 90% of us use it for anyway), and won't miss DX.
Mobile will probably do more to kill consoles (happy with that), but PC dev is where the work will get done and in any of the 4 mentioned api's porting to mobile is a cinch. AMD made a mistake investion a LOT of money in consoles that are on their way out. Now they have to push them as hard as they can to recoup the R&D spent on them. NV on the other hand chose the more elegant way, by getting your PC games to your TV and NOT aiding consoles which hold us back for another 8yrs at 1080p while 4K is where we should be shooting during that time. Thank you NVIDIA. With this comment, I'm not a little ticked at AMD unfortunately. I understand why they have to do it, but they should have just let consoles die and went further into mobile (they did consoles and were 3yrs late to mobile because of it). We'd already have an ARM based AMD core by now and they'd have an answer to NV's Titan/780 GTX etc if they'd have spent on CORE products also instead of betting the farm on consoles.
Nobody involved with console hardware has gotten rich right? NV did the math and ran to mobile with 1B units selling now and 2.5B by 2017. Simple math. If they sell even as much as last time it's only 250mil units TOTAL between 3 consoles over 7yrs (35mil/year for all 3 total). I'm not even sure they will make money yet, as they may have just done deals to cover GF wafer starts so they wouldn't be fined more and more. Note all AMD chips are coming from GF this year as they try to cover their agreements with them. Why do you think Richland is GF 32nm? They have to make chips there or OWE a big bill for nothing to GF (well for not making enough chips with GF, basically for nothing). We'll know which way this story goes by end Q1 2014. I hope it isn't just chips being made to cover foundry wafers and actually is for SOME profit. AMD needs to stop making mistakes: ATI purchase overpriced, FAR too many GF wafer starts promised, consoles, laying off 30% of your engineers, drivers lacking due to those layoffs, no Arm until 2014 due to consoles etc. I could go on.