Lovely article, except some stuff is plain wrong.
Wii U should count as an 8th gen console since it's more powerful than the 360, which was the most powerful system in that gen.
While still being a lot weaker than an Xbox One for example, it should count as a next-gen since it manages to surpass the other older consoles.
On the other hand, while Cell was great at floating-point (really strong SIMD), the 360 had 3x the general-purpose performance of it, which is the most important thing on a processor anyways.
While it was useful to have high-compute on those days since GPUs weren't as flexible as today, Xenon wasn't that bad with its 115.2GFLOPS compared to the 204.8GFLOPS of Cell... all of that SIMD performance while still offering 3 general purpose cores. I believe that the 360 had the superior CPU here, and not only because it was easier to code for.
The GPU we all know how it went, more modern design (unified shaders) and more raw power (although RSX had better fillrate).
Same goes to the RAM setup, Xbox 360 had 512MB of RAM without the penalties the PS3 had when Cell tried to access the VRAM (slow as hell, and higher latency). Not to mention the eDRAM on the 360 giving it a bandwidth advantage.
Other than that, everything is good
EDIT: Corrected some info.