AMD CPU Replacement


Nov 17, 2016
Hello everyone reading this.
I am looking for replacement of AMD FX-6350. It is great for rendering and I made a few good videos with it. But it slows down a lot my GPU (AMD R9 280x) while playing games as CS:GO, GTA V and PayDay 2. It lags a lot and it takes some time to load textures. I use AM3+ socket. I don´t want something highly overpriced, I just want something that can render the videos the same way and play games better than 6350.
Thanks for all answers.
I understand, just saying that any decent replacement is not going to work in your motherboard, which will drive costs up. Drop-in upgrades are nice to have.
Sadly, there aren't any major improvements to be found on AM3+. AMD hasn't released a new high-end CPU design in over 4 years, so they're terribly behind the competition. The FX-93xx CPUs are the same socket but they're considered to be some of the worst CPUs of all time because they're often unstable at stock, produce a tremendous amount of heat, and have a tendency to kill motherboards (and won't work in yours). The FX-83xx CPUs have similar per-core speed to what you already have, just with more cores, and the games you listed will largely want more per-core performance and leave the 2 extra cores unused so the benefit would be minimal to none.

You can probably squeeze another 5-10% out of your FX-6350 with overclocking and get another couple of frames per second, but it's not going to radically change your experience. If you want something faster, you're really going to have to move to an Intel motherboard and CPU, or for AMD's Zen slated for next year.

I did not said that I want AMD CPU necessarily, but any CPU that could replace it would do the job.
Anyway, thx for reply.