I am planning to buy a budget gaming laptop. I have narrowed down to a laptop having this specs. I would like to know how dis graphic configuration works for high end games like Crysis 3 , battle field 3 etc nd what framerates should i get for these under low , medium, high nd ultra settings . I have googled about these stuffs , but found nothing. So here i am. Pls help me. I just wana know about dis graphic combination coz processor , ram , harddisk and everything is fine and dont know anything about this amd crossfire comb . Thanks in advace .
CF is not a good option for a laptop. However there are some good options. This laptop( http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834314119 ) costs only $530 and will be a decent performer at probably low-medium graphics settings. I'm going to need a price range though to assist you any further if this laptop isn't what you're looking for.