I would, and here's why. There will be a brand new motherboard chipset AND new Ryzen 3 CPUs coming out in the near future. If I understand correctly, and I think I do, I believe they both will be releasing sometime in April or May near or at the time of Computex.
There will be an X570 chipset series of motherboard that includes the first PCIe 4.0 architecture, which will be of particular interest for gamers and possibly graphic artists as well, as well as the Ryzen 3000 series Zen 2 processors. This close to that time it seems to make more sense if there is not an imperative need to upgrade immediately, to wait for that and that is twofold.
For one, these are going to have better performance and probably also use less power and all that comes with that such as less heat, less consumption on your bill and hopefully more overclocking headroom if that is something of interest to you.
It also means that current existing Ryzen hardware will probably see another drop in price as vendors try to shed themselves of the older parts which generally happens with cpus, motherboards and graphics cards anytime a new platform is released. Sometimes it doesn't work out that way if the current parts are in really high demand, as we saw initially with the graphics cards during the mining craze, but if you look now those same graphics cards are lower in price than they've been since release for both AMD RX and Nvidia 1000 series cards.
Either way, it might be wiser to wait unit then unless you need something sooner and that could be totally understandable.