[SOLVED] AMD Free Games?


Nov 7, 2018
I am building a system for a coworker, and her cpu comes with The Division 2, and the GPU comes with 2 other games(DMC and something else?)

Here's the thing, she doesn't want the keys. I would use them, but I don't have AMD stuff in my current build.

If I built a pc later with and AMD cpu and an AMD gpu(possibly navi later this year?!?!), would I be able to use those keys, or no?

Also, if I couldn't use those keys, where would be a good place to sell them?
Not suggesting you actually buy AMD hardware, it was a hypothetical.

Somebody, anybody could buy AMD hardware, redeem the codes & then upgrade their hardware in future to Nvidia/Intel. The redeemed codes aren't suddenly invalid. Ie. It's not hardware related.

I would definitely try to redeem them ASAP though. While I'm sure there's a healthy redemption window, it's not going to be indefinite - so get the codes redeemed ASAP.
I believe you receive a code to redeem, alongside the purchase.

There's no hardware level limitation, AFAIK. You could buy AMD hardware now, and upgrade in future - they're not going to revoke keys at that point, so a hardware limitation would be pretty ridiculous.

There may well be a redemption window though, so you'd probably want to redeem the codes & have the titles in your Steam library etc, sooner rather than later.

Well, if I bought my own AMD stuff right now, I wouldn't need to worry about her codes.

I guess I can just wait and see what happens if I try to redeem them?
I bought an RX580 when I RMA'd my 980ti(fan and led problems). My replacement arrived(beforte the games were released) and I was still able to redeem the game(resident Evil 2) but there is no game key, you have to associate the reward program with your steam account to get the game, so I don't think you'll be able to sell them.
Not suggesting you actually buy AMD hardware, it was a hypothetical.

Somebody, anybody could buy AMD hardware, redeem the codes & then upgrade their hardware in future to Nvidia/Intel. The redeemed codes aren't suddenly invalid. Ie. It's not hardware related.

I would definitely try to redeem them ASAP though. While I'm sure there's a healthy redemption window, it's not going to be indefinite - so get the codes redeemed ASAP.