Amd FX-4100 overclock help?


Nov 19, 2014
First things first,
I popped into CPU-Z after using AMD Overdrive and the CPU automatic clock only went from 3.6 to 3.7 ghz. I've heard with my liquid cooling, i can handle 4.2-4 ghz with no problems. Is there a way I can try going over 3.7 ghz without risk of damaging the computer?

Well first off AMD overdrive is terrible rubbish in my opinion i have never achieved a stable overclock with it, the bios is where you should do your overclocking if you want to go higher.

And do you have a decent aftermarket cooler? I wouldn't recommend overclocking at all unless you do.

I have a Corsair Water 2.0 aftermarket cooler. it's held strong for 2 years through mobo and gpu replacement

Well if you want a good stable overclock your going to have to use the bios instead of AMD overdrive.

Well you might be able to get a little out of that board but i wouldn't recommend you touch the cpu voltage at all, that motherboard is not exactly meant for overclocking so the VRM's are going to get nice and toasty if you try to push it, if they get to hot you will seriously decrease the motherboards lifespan or possibly kill it outright.

so should I try using overdrive to manually change the CPU speed multiplier? and so, what multipliers should i try, currently am at 18.5
With that board overclocking of any amount is not recommended, the vrm's on it sh*t, the will not be able to cope with the power draw for long and once they give in you can kill the cpu together with them, you want a mobo with atleast 4+1 vrm phase design with cooler on top of vrm's, if you think you will ge going for a 6 core fx or 8 core fx chip down the line forget about any mobo that doesn't atleast have 8+1 vrm design. These are the most power hungry chips i know of, when i had my fx 8350@5,2ghz my monthly power bill went up by 20 euro a month,untill you get yourself a new board most i could recommend is setting core multiplier to 40, nb and ht are to be left at stock, they have alsmots zero effect on performance but if you oc them you will limit your core potential, increase v core by the smallest amount and dont go above 1,35 v vcore on that board, leaver rest at stock, if by some mirricle you have llc turn it on and put a fan to blow directly on to vrm's on your mobo