AMD FX 6300 Alternative CPU(intel)


Dec 2, 2014
I am planning to get fx 6300 but friends keep saying go for intel. But iam confused , which is better option intel or amd.
Please provide me good intel alternatives for this price range (150$)
Intel do produce the better processors but that does not mean Intel is your best option.

You should post a list of all your components, your maximum budget and what you will use the PC for. This will ensure you get the best advice.
Intel do produce the better processors but that does not mean Intel is your best option.

You should post a list of all your components, your maximum budget and what you will use the PC for. This will ensure you get the best advice.
Depends what you are doing, what will the PC be used for and were you planning to overclock the 6300?

If you are building a gaming PC then Intel is better. To
overclock the 6300 you need more expensive CPU cooler, motherboard and PSU. So while a Intel CPU might be more expensive if run it at stock you don't need a 3rd party cooler and can run a cheaper mobo and PSU which means the whole setup should cost the same but the Intel still performs better.

If you are building a PC just to surf the web and do Word documents it will make no difference what you pick

My Desired Pc Specs
Processor :Amd FX 6300
MB: Asus M5A97 LE R2.0
RAM: Kingston HyperX FURY Memory DDR3 8 GB
Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 evo
and i got HDD and GPU
Seagate barracuda 1TB
AMD HD 6670 2gb( Im upgrading gpu to mid-high end in future)
Monitor: Dell s2240L(Full HD)

I gonna use system for gaming ,programming, watching movie,surf etc, nothing like rendering or editing
My budget is like 530$ because i got monitor,HDD,GPU(which is gonna upgrade)

I currently have a system but it is almost 6 years old . Last december i bought monitor and HDD but i'm thinking of building new system except monitor ,HDD ,GPU.
In 530$ i have to get other parts like CPU,MOBO,PSU,CASE,RAM,COOLER
can u help me with this

Go for the FX 6300 especially for rendering and editing those 6 core will be utilized properly.
AMD CPU's may be cheaper, but to get the most out of them you'll need an expensive motherboard. Intel CPU's run well even on cheap motherboards, and in some occasions overclocks too.

If you're going to be using multicore operations, you can still get Phenom II X6 1090T or 1100T and use those, they're still above the latest FX chips.

A slight change in plan
I gonna get Core i5-4460 because i can increase my budget and i can get Asus H97-PRO for 40% off .
so what u guys think of this CPU and MOBO

Sir , thanks for your build, but its is 538 $ but when that build in india it gonna cost like 600+$
what is ur opinion about 4460 and H97 pro
The 4460 is a good processor so would happily recommend that if the Skylake processor is too expensive in your country. Same goes for the H97 mobo. If you can afford the intel it will last longer and give you better performance. The FX 6300 is a solid budget processor and would be happy to recommend that if your budget does not stretch to Intel. I didn't include a cooler as the stock cooler is usually sufficient if you don't OC.

sir, what do u recommend of RAM
kingston hyperx fury vs corsair vengence ?