amd fx 6300 gta v low fps


Dec 18, 2014
hello, I've had my pc for a while now, it has an fx 6300, 8 gigs of ddr3 a 500 watt Thermaltake psu and an 8 gig rx 480 graphics card. I know the fx 6300 is not a super good cpu but I would expect it to do better than its currently doing in gad v. I have most of my settings all the way up (mostly because it hardly makes a difference in fps when I lower them because the cpu bottleneck), anyway in the city I average at 30-40ish fps with most of the settings all the way up at 1080p, and in the country and less populated areas I get 40-50ish sometimes higher and sometimes I get dips. anyway I wanted to know if there is a problem with my pc or is this low fps normal for my cpu in gta v??? and yes I'm fully aware an i5 or something would have been a better option but I buult this pc over 2 years ago and the fx cpu was a good price to performance cpu 2 years ago(not anymore).
40-50 FPS in GTA V on an FX 6300 sounds about right. What you said about settings may be correct, but just be sure to turn down the settings that require a lot of CPU horsepower (especially population density, MSAA, and advanced settings). That being said, have you overclocked your chip? The FX 6300 may be turning 5 years old this year but it still possesses some juice when overclocked to 4.5-4.6 Ghz.
When I'm driving through the city it's hardly above 30 fps which is anoying(it occasionally goes below 30 but that's pretty uncommon for me), beacauae that's one of my favorite things to do in the game. the fps is acceptable everywhere else. I would overclock but every time I tried overclocking my PC crashed and I got a blue screen and I actually destroyed my windows doing that once and had to install the repair stuff and fix it, I'm pretty sure this is beacause I have a cheap Micro ATX board.