AMD Fx - 6350


Dec 22, 2015
Hey guys . I have a question for you . I wan't to uprage my cpu . Im planning to buy an Fx-6350 , 3900MHz, 8MB . It's comes whit a Wraith cooler . I wan't to know if that cooler is enough . I didn't plan any overclock or anything. Or on the other part ther is the 14MB version of Fx-6350 . But with stock cooler . Im really confused. I have an : FSP HE-500+, 500W Power suply .
^ good stuff then mate , go for the 6350 + wraith cooler, good choice , massive improvement over what you have , will work fine in your system.
The wraith cooler ia very very very good

My curent specs : Mobo - ASUS M5A78L-M/USB3, Socket AM3+
GPU : Asus GTX-750 TI OC
CPU : AMD ATHLON II x2 250 3.00GHZ (verry old)
Power suply : FSP HE-500+, 500W
RAM : HyperX FURY Blue 4GB, DDR3, 1600MHz, CL10, 1.5V
If you can definitely get it with the wraith cooler then go ahead mate , it'll run fine on that board as long as you have some vrm cooling which the wraith does do.

& there is only one version of the 6350 so ignore those specs - they're wrong.

I would ask how much the 6350 is with the wraith cooler compared to an fx6300 though??

BTW - you could do with another 4gb of ram mate, 4gb isn't really enough for gaming nowadays

I have two of those rams .
The price difference is not that much . There are some discounts and not so big differences.

Is the power suply enough for this cpu ?

psu is fine mate,not an issue at all.