AMD FX 8120 Excessively heating under load


Jun 20, 2016
I hope i've posted in the right section.

Unsure what the issue is with my current setup, I am experiencing high temperatures (70c+ I normally kill the game/program before I let it get higher but I have let it get to 80c at which point my PC froze and I was forced to shut it down using the power button.) being monitored by HWMonitor whilst playing games such as Far Cry 3, Skyrim, GTA V and so on. Even on lowest graphics settings possible. It also idles at 14-18c under no load. It is not overclocked at all.

I have tried the following;
Updating all drivers
Messing with ingame settings
Resetting the BIOS
I've re-done the thermal paste on my CPU (used a pea sized amount of Arctic MX-2, and yes I cleaned the previous paste off with 99% iso)
Cleaned all my fans and inside my case free of dust

I have had this computer for quite some time now (coming up to 3 years if memory serves me right, It could be more I cannot remember.)
The tower has had rather poor ventilation and was very rarely cleaned, never cleaned properly until recently.

AMD FX 8120 3.1GHZ
AMD Radeon Hd 7800
GIGABYTE GA-970A-D3 Motherboard
CMSTORM Enforcer Case
CORSAIR Hydro H60 Cooler

The computer never used to have this issue back when I first purchased it, the issue started arising over a year ago at which point I stopped playing such games and was playing something else that I could run on a potato so I had completely forgotten about it. Which leads me to believe it's just getting old and worn.
I purchased it custom built online and have since been unable to even find the purchase so I am unsure on any other non stock fans/etc that are inside
Ahh, yeah I see a "problem" with your air flow.
Your CPU cooler is pulling air in at the top, and then it's being vented out the back. This is "bad" because of the "heat rises" concept.
You case is kind of limited in what you can do cooling wise, but, I think with just some better fans and moving your CPU cooler you can fix that.

What you should do is move your AIO cooler to the rear exhaust port where you have a fan currently. All this would involve is taking it off the top, buying this screw kit, and combing the two so you have a push/pull exhaust on the back of the case. (attach the rear fan the way it's currently orientated to the radiator, though double check to make sure the fan on it is already set as an intake fan, there...

My apologies, I've download AIDA64 Extreme and I'm unable to find the specific test that you're talking about. Although I did find this in stability test. Would you be able to point me in the right direction?
Sorry my error, a typo and should have been CPU and FPU. You ran the test correctly.

Test is showing on HWMonitor as 100% on all cores for 10mins and max temp rose to 63C and drawing 116W
Voltage on all PSU rails within acceptable parameters.
Conclude CPU under load= OK

Run the test again in AIDA64 for 20mins on GPU only. This time focusing on AMD Radeon Hd 7800 in HWMonitor. Scroll HWMonitor to bottom of page and take screen shot at 70C+ or after 20mins. Stop the test if temps go to 80C.
Again show the results as before. Do not leave unattended.

You can also test your DIMMs (after) if you want in the same way in AIDA64.


I'm confused as to why the temps are holding reasonably well as when I load up one of the games the CPU will jump to 50c or higher instantly and then continue to climb steadily from there
Here's a screenshot of my HWmonitor after 10 minutes of Farcry 3 gameplay.
It wouldn't have dropped down those couple degrees but I died and the loading screen requires less it seems.

EDIT: I currently have it in windowed and not full res to see if it helped, It didn't unfortunately. Usually play in borderless fullscreen
When playing games like League of Legends, my CPU caps at about 50c with the settings set to "medium high"

EDIT AGAIN: 63c Whilst playing league, i'm assuming it's because everything is still heated etc from before despite dropping down to 30c idle


I've come across others with that issue too, the only problem is I experiece the same tempratures playing games like GTA V, Skyrim, Saints Row, and many other games that I guess you could count as more detailed graphics.
All my settings for Far Cry 3 are set to the lowest possible.

This is my case, it does have the side panel so i'll give that a go.

I have the fan at the front, Fan at the top of the case and one at the back. Then of course the ones that go with the GPU

After 90 minutes of gameplay of Far Cry 3, hit a high of 64c with the side panel off.
with the side panel on i'd have probably hit that in about 5 minutes or something rediculous. So it improved it but still not a real fix that i'm looking for. Could it be that my case just has poor airflow?
It never used to heat up this easily under the same if not more load.
Dusty air filters can cause heat issues and extra fans to dissipate and exhaust heat do help.
A good air flow is essential as pockets of heat can build up. I think your case can be fitted with more.
None reference cards can put more heat into your case as opposed to reference cards.
Nice tidy cabling helps.
During summer months above 30C, I have removed my side panels too and had a desktop fan blowing air into the case and that did help.

Here's two photos from inside my case that I recently took prior to cleaning out the small amount of dust inside to aid my tempratures. I'm convinced that this is a hardware or ventilation issue but as I stated before, It didn't have this problem for quite some time when I initially purchased it.

LoL, That is not a small amount of dust Feartheenvy and good job for taking it apart and giving it a good clean. I can see your radiator is full of it too.
Honestly, you have extended the life of your PC.
As you have it apart, do a bench test prior to assy, clean all slots with compressed air and clean all contacts with ISOPRO. Re-apply your TIM with arctic silver5.
Ahh, yeah I see a "problem" with your air flow.
Your CPU cooler is pulling air in at the top, and then it's being vented out the back. This is "bad" because of the "heat rises" concept.
You case is kind of limited in what you can do cooling wise, but, I think with just some better fans and moving your CPU cooler you can fix that.

What you should do is move your AIO cooler to the rear exhaust port where you have a fan currently. All this would involve is taking it off the top, buying this screw kit, and combing the two so you have a push/pull exhaust on the back of the case. (attach the rear fan the way it's currently orientated to the radiator, though double check to make sure the fan on it is already set as an intake fan, there should be arrows on the side of it to show which way it spins and which way the air flows.)
Then replace your front fan and now empty top fan slot with these:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Case Fan: BitFenix Spectre Pro LED 148.7 CFM 200mm Fan ($18.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case Fan: BitFenix Spectre Pro LED 148.7 CFM 200mm Fan ($18.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Total: $37.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2016-06-21 11:27 EDT-0400

I believe these fans to be about 30-40% better than your current fans. The front will still be an intake fan, and the top will be an exhuast fan. They're also both still red LEDs so they'll match your scheme.

And I believe you'll need a fan splitter for the extra fan you'll be adding: (for the Sys_fan1 plug)

Awesome, thanks for your help. Managed to find all the items being sold in Australia for reasonable pricing without a huge shipping fee aside from the screw kit so far.
First of all what i can read, your case can support a 200mm fan on top but you have taken the spot with only one 120mm fan which isnt at 100% all the time, even in the recomandation from your case website says a 120mm watercooler mounted on the rear. My advice, move the watercooler on the rear as a exhaust, keep the 200mm front fan as a intake and put another 200mm fan or 2x120mm on top as exhaust.

Got you covered: