AMD FX-8320 at 206 Degrees?


Jun 24, 2017
So I keep getting FPS drops on my PC, especially on a game called ARMA 3. I couldn't pinpoint the issue so I downloaded Open Hardware Monitor to see if things were overheating.

These were the results:

Should I be worried? What can I do to prevent this? and what can I do to stop FPS drops?
Got to agree , the asrock 970 pro & extreme are not good boards for an 8 core , they can suffer extreme throttling too.

The extreme is a pro with a vrm heatsink near as dammit , nothing extreme about it (xtremely mediocre maybe)
Whats your heatsink and have you tried reapplying thermal paste? If its stock you may want to get a better heatsink. Here is a cryorig H7 that should get the temps under control. Make sure your case is large enough for H7(5.71 inches).

Know tho if your overclocking just try setting it back to stock.

Bit of a PC noob so not sure what my heatsink is and I wouldn't know how to reapply thermal paste.

Yup hes right I thought that was an 206F for about 100c. The 200c has to be incorrect.

Your motherboard may need a bios update if using other temp readings are wrong.

Also try speedfan to see if reads correctly.

This is the reading from Speedfan. Im guessing this is more accurate.
As suggested by madmatt30 use AMD Overdrive to check the thermal margins at full load. 206°C may be correct if the VRM overheats; it sets the CPU temperature very high causing it to throttle and the frequency drops to 1.4 GHz. The negative effect is that FPS also drops. There isn't much that you can do to prevent that issue with the 760GM-P23 (FX).

So I can't do anything about this issue?

No sure, as I said before in this thread I am pretty noobish at PCs. What motherboard would be suitable for this CPU?

Aaaargh,I never saw the board he was using before.
Yes thats MSI's downright underhand way of speccing their board as fine to run an 8320 so they can still sell them & then purposefully throttling it becasue in reality they know its not good enough.

Those dirty tricks from the amd range is the reason I will not buy any MSI product again no matter how good its deemed to be.

everything looks ok on speedfan but that Temp3 is odd as there are 2. I've looked and cant find what part if any that is. You maybe should use a small 90mm case fan to point at chipset to see if it changes. If not point it at other locations for sensors track down what that is. On the 206c seems there are lots of reports on the issue and many think the board may not be totally FX compatible.

I suggest get a good 970. Here is decent one. Mine has done great for over 6 years. Just get the latest bios.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Motherboard: ASRock - 970 Extreme3 R2.0 ATX AM3+ Motherboard ($76.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $76.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-06-25 12:32 EDT-0400

My Case is a NZXT Source 220 Mid-Tower Gaming Case w/ Window Side Panel USB 3.0
It's an ATX case; therefore you could install a motherboard like the Asus 970 PRO GAMING/AURA.
It has no problems with your CPU, but it can throttle when installing an FX CPU. As you can see, ASRock recommend a top-down blower style cooler even for a 95W FX CPU. If I were the OP I'd stay away from that motherboard.
That was on my list, but I'd buy the newer Asus Aura that barely costs more because many buyers had an issue with the MSI that caused their CPU to be stuck at 1.4 GHz. I presume that it rarely occurs and MSI replace the motherboard under warranty.

That was kind of the deal with all motherboards with FX. AMD started suggest top down blowers due to reviews showing high heat like this one.
This by the way is a GA-990FX-Gaming.

No matter which motherboard you should have good down pointing cooling with FX.
Yeah but the fact is the more physical vrm's the more the load is spread & the better stability, less heat per module.

The gigabyte ud3p has 8 phases for CPU (double that of the asrock boards) , it was for many (me included) the best 970 series board ever produced when it came to overclocking 8 cores.

970 board prices seem to have gone up not down for some reason , maybe out of production nowadays ??
Although I thought the fx chips were actually still in production although not to the extent before ryzen.