Amd fx 8320 good for gtx 970 sli?


Jan 1, 2014
Hi i'm looking at getting a gtx 970 sli however i'm concerned my fx 8320 wont be sufficient. (yes that means "bottleneck" 😛) can anyone tell me FIRST HAND or even with definitive sufficient proof that it will/ wont? thanks
Well it depends on the game/application and how reliant on the cpu it is. The 8320 is not the worst CPU on the market mind you, it also isn't the best CPU. If you play a lot of RTS's (Supreme Commander, Starcraft 2 etc) it might be more of an issue but honestly for most uses the CPU should be fine. And hopefully with better development tools / compiler's / API's (I'm a programmer) later games should be able to make better use of the 8 cores in the 8320 to better alleviate any bottleneck it might cause.

You shouldn't hit a CPU bottleneck unless you're playing games that are extremely CPU bound but also have very poor multithreading support. There aren't a huge amount of those these days, most of them would be MMOs, and maybe some strategy games, and even then the FX 8320 wouldn't perform horribly. It sort of depends on your resolution as well, as you're either gonna or not gonna have more card than screen to render. But even fully OC'd you're using more power in graphics set than an 8320 will manage at full load

haha yea i was going to say....
I forgot to add:
It will defnitely bottleneck two GTX 970 when playing CPU intensive games,but surfing the internet and watching movies shouldn't be a problem.
@OP What I would do is stick with your current setup(8320,one GTX 970).
Save some money,get an i5 4690(K) and a H(Z)97 motherboard and THEN get the second GTX 970 and you will be ready to kick some ass. 😉

Damn. well im kinda short on money... would the fx 9590 bottleneck it? (i know that its basically just a 5ghz overclock on an 8350 but my brain is lazy right now.

id like to go with luka on this one. i need to be positive before i throw out 800+$ on gpus.
as said before you will get a slight bottleneck in more cpu dependent games, going from one 2 two cards raised my load from like 45% to about 80 so amke sure you have a good cpu cooler as well.

my 7970s ran fine on my 8320, overclock it to around 4.6 and youll be all set, I do see in like bf4 where my usages will drop to around 70% each but mostly they will be loaded fairly high.

my cpu overclock may not be super stable o that doesnt help either if my cores are dropping out.
@OP Again,I would stick with your current setup.FX 8320 and GTX 970 can max out any game.If not,high settings is a piece of cake for this setup.
No,the FX-9590 would not bottleneck 2xGTX 970,but it isn't worth it.The 9590 is extremely overpriced,needs more than twice the power a 4690K needs and it melts under the CPU cooler.Overall,a really bad choice.
When you save enough money,do what has been suggested.Get the i5 4690(K) and an H(Z)97 MoBo and you'll be good to go.
@06yfz450ridr Of course they ran fine on an overclocked CPU.OC'd FX 8320 matches the 4690K performance wise.


I do not currently have a 970 though.
well heres some hands on experience for you, i have a 8320 and its not overclocked and it dosent 'bottlekneck' my r9 290, ive had a 2nd one in there just to test and it ran fine, no bottlekneck... personally its a pile of 💩 but i think with a simple 4ghz overclock, it will gain you a few extra fps (4-8) and yeah, get a good cpu cooler, make sure your motherboard is good, and go kick some ass

So you are saying that I can upgrade my 7950 to a GTX 970 and have absolutely no bottleneck what so ever in newer games ?

**Dances the Necro Dance**

Either way, there is ALWAYS going to be a bottleneck present somewhere in your system. It's a fact of life, in PC construction. You'll never find parts attuned enough to work in perfect harmony lol. Examples

I have a friend with an R9-390X 8GB. He was an idiot for buying it on several accounts. One being that he still hasn't let me talk him into upgrading from his FX6300. Two he only plays on a single 1080p screen. And three, the price point, my god. His processor is a bottleneck on his graphics card in a great many games. Also his resolution is indeed a bottleneck. If you have way more card than is required to run your res smoothly, you're not utilizing something you paid for.

Now, no more raising the dead!