AMD FX 8350 dropping


Jan 23, 2016
My CPU dropps frames from 200/250 to 20 for like 2 sec in the middle of a CSGO game.. I have liquid cooling on it and it says it is using 100% some times but normaly it runs on 60-80 but is only like 57 degrees.. i run this with a gtx 770, i have 750w, 16GB RAM the cooling is kraken x31
Vsync sets your gpu to the max refresh rate of monitor or tv. So you will have steady fps. Even if the gpu says your getting 200 now you will only get 60 if that's what the tv is. So no point over working gpu and getting spkies
Ok, let us explain. If you only have a 60hz monitor, your monitor is only capable of 60 fps anyway. On screen that is what you are seeing regardless of what your fps monitor says. The reason you are having lag spikes etc is because you are unnecessarily overworking your cpu.

Turn on vsync to limit your system to what you are seeing anyway and it souths smooth out.
Add a fan like an Antec SpotCool to help cooling the VRM and it should resolve your throttling issue. The VRM throttles the CPU when it gets too hot; this is to be expected when using liquid cooling instead of the stock top-down blower.
That MOBO has a good 8+2 power phase VRM, so that shouldn't be the problem. Have you tried to:
-unpark cores?
-Use different launch settings, like -high -nod3x9ex -cl_forcepreload 1?
-Update Realtek audio drivers?
-Upgrade to windows 10?

Especially the last one, helped me resolve my fps issues. Seems like CS:GO is much better optimised for W10 than older versions of Windows.

And for everyone that says V-Sync should be turned on: V-Sync makes csgo really shitty. The mouse feels slow and soft which is crucial in this fast-paced, precicion-depending game. Also, there's a huge difference between 60fps and 150+ in CSGO. Even with v-sync, there's artifacts and stuttering and you can actually see the frame render from top to bottom sometimes. So v-sync is not an option unless you play CSGO to look at the view instead of the enemies.