AMD FX 8350 FREEZING Computer

Emperor DREW

Jan 6, 2015
Current Specs:
(Nothing is overclocked)
CPU: AMD FX 8350 Black Edition
Mobo: Gigabyte 970A-D3
GPU: AMD R7950 Double D
RAM: Kingston Hyper X (2x 4GB)

Ok, so i recently swapped CPU's from a FX 4130 to an FX 8350. Before, my PC ran pretty well, no crashes and no major problems whatsoever. Thought i would upgrade becasue i believe the CPU is bottlenecking my 7950. I also bought an Corsair H80i since reviews told me the stock cooler sucks for the 8350.

It has been five days now and my PC has completely frozen at randome moments. The screen completely freezes and the mouse doesn't move, keyboard inputs don't work, just completely frozen. Only solution i've discovered is to hard reset computer. It seems to solve the problem but it keeps happening. This problem has occured about 7 times now.

I've looked around on google and people say to update my BIOS. I have never configured a BIOS before, so it's probably the default. I believe that the problem may be from not updating it, personally im not sure (that's y i came here). So if u lovely people could help this computer ameteur out, I would be most appreciative.
SO i figured out the Solution. Turns out amd turbo boost or watever is causing the issue. I've turned that feature off in the BIOS and i haven't experienced a single freeze in 12 hours.
I saw this, and am not sure how to access the BIOS or which BIOS to even get. Sry, I'm pretty new to these things.
What motherboard revision is your motherboard? The revision should be printed on the corner of the motherboard. The FX-8350 is not on the supported CPU list for revision versions 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, & 1.3 of your motherboard. The CPU support list and updated BIOS files can be found on the Gigabyte website. You just have to make sure and select the correct revision of the motherboard before checking for CPU support and downloading the BIOS.

What are your idle/load CPU temps? You can use a program like HWMonitor to monitor temps.
Ok, so i have a rev 3.0 version of the mobo. The CPU Temps are pretty low, ranging from 6 degrees Celsius to 20 degrees celsius IDLING (I use Corsair Link, since I'm using the H80i).

Finally, I'm not sure whether to get the F11 or F13b BIOS.

BTW Thx for the quick response
Ok i downloaded it, do i just open it?

I also live in Canada, and it's winter. But yes, the H80i is very good at keeping things cool. I put my hand over top fan, and it's cold air.

Here are the instructions on how to upgrade the BIOS from the Gigabyte website:

What I'm saying is that it's not possible that your CPU is running at 6 degrees Celsius (42.8 Fahrenheit).
Ok, so all the instructions say is to disable BIOS flash protect (I'm not even sure if i have that) and to just wait.

How would i know when im done? How do i know if it encountered a problem?
Any of the three methods will work. The safest method is to use the DOS flash utility, but it's probably also the most involved.

I'm not sure if your motherboard supports Q-Flash. @BIOS is a program that can be used to update the BIOS from within Windows. It's the easiest method, but the most risky. If Windows crashes or freezes while updating the BIOS it will corrupt the BIOS.
Hmmm, i like safe method, i think i'll try that. I'm scrolling through the example and it says to use a floppy disk (I'll just google it and hope to find something on youtube.) SO i already have the file from the site, would a clean boot disk be like a regular CD-ROM disk?
You should be able to use any bootable device including a floppy drive, CD, or USB thumb drive. Just be sure to follow all the instructions closely. You will have to temporarily set the device as the first boot device in the BIOS once you get the three required files extracted to the drive you will be using. This is all covered in the instructions., this video seems like a good video. I believe this is what you want me to do.

From after the 8:00 minute mark in the video, he talks about settings, I have never accessed my BIOS. So would my settings be defualt. And would i just leave them as if i successfully install it?
Ok. Thank you for the help. I'm gonna try this in an hour or so and hope this works out. If it does I'll be very thankful and if not. Well i guess i'll try loading the old BIOS.

Thanks for your help. BTW i won't lose contents on my hard drive right?
Ok just checked th BIOS. Saw it was version FC, so it's only one update lower. But i'll try it out 2morrow and hopefully it will fix this problem.

Again, thank you so much for your help.

ALSO: The U.I of the BIOS screen is very different from what the instructions of the pdf show.
Ok, so i updated the BIOS to FD. It was actually fairly easy, i was just worrying to much. Now i'll just let my computer Idle over night while downloading Inquisition and shadow of mordor. Thank you very much!!

Edit: Ok, so it froze again. I played some Dragon age origins and it was fine the whole time i played. As soon as i exit the game, i get the freeze. I thought updating my BIOS would fix this, but it still occurs. PLZ, WHAT DO I DO TO FIX THIS PROBLEM????
SO i figured out the Solution. Turns out amd turbo boost or watever is causing the issue. I've turned that feature off in the BIOS and i haven't experienced a single freeze in 12 hours.