This is what I know, the blue screen errors are CLOCK_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUT and WHEA_UNCORRECTABLE_ERROR. Both are being caused by my CPU doing one of two things (according to hopefully reputable people). From what I understand, the CWT error is caused by thermal issues and WUE is caused by voltage sagging. I originally thought these issues were PSU related, so I replaced that and the issue persisted. Then I changed my board in hopes of fixing the sagging but that didn't work either. I have an H100i GTX cooler and my temps are actually pretty high based on what I've been told they should be. My CPU idles at around 40 degrees Celsius and reaches around 70 degrees under load. Usually I don't even get the chance to hit 70 degrees because the CPU will start sagging and will crash because of that. I've reapplied thermal paste and made sure that there were no air pockets so there's no way it's the cooler.
Something needs to be replaced, the last original parts I have are my CPU, my GPU, and my RAM. I've run memtest with no issues and I'm not overclocking. What needs to go?
Attached an image of a graph from OCCT to show the sagging. I have no temp pics.
Something needs to be replaced, the last original parts I have are my CPU, my GPU, and my RAM. I've run memtest with no issues and I'm not overclocking. What needs to go?
Attached an image of a graph from OCCT to show the sagging. I have no temp pics.