WinshesteR :
Who is the best?
8350 or 8370 and his "e" version?
All I do in my computer is gaming, when I say gaming I'm talking about high end and new games. I'm a AMD fanboy so is it worth it changing?
I know this posting is a little old, but having used both processors I just thought I would give my opinion based on performance. If you already have the FX 8350 its kind of a hard sell, at best your going to get maybe 7-10% better performance. I know a lot of people will say its the same exact processor with a slight boost to the turbo core, but it is a bit more than that. AMD upgraded and tweaked the processor a bit. The FX 8370 has better binning than the FX 8350 period. Back before the FX 9xxx series and FX 8370 you had the chip "lottery" and may end up with an exceptionally binned chip that could easily overclock to 5Ghz or more or you could get a chip that even on liquid cooling could only get to 4.5Ghz, it was all luck of the draw. There is still a slight luck factor but now with the process in its last stages the poorest binned chips are made into FX 8320, the best binned processors are made into FX 8370 and FX 9xxx. What that simply means is that you can hit much better overclocks with FX 8370 than you can with the majority of FX 8350s. AMD also tweaked the processor a bit so even at the same clock speeds there is a slight performance boost the FX 8370. I know some will disagree with that, but it is true. Just before upgrading I benchmarked my FX 8350 @ 5Ghz using three different benchmark tools (Cinebench, Firestrike, and passmark). Using all the same hardware except for the processor with the FX 8370 @ 5Ghz all my benchmark scores went up. It was not a huge improvement, but it was an improvement. The really exciting thing for me though was I was able to hit 5.3Ghz totally stable with water cooling, my FX 8350 was only able to hit 5Ghz with water cooling- the difference in binning allows the FX 8370 to hit better overclocks at much lower Vcore so less overall heat production as well.
Short and long of it is I am happy with my upgrade to the FX 8370. Had AMD had the FX 8370 when they released Bulldozer the arch wouldn't have taken the beating and bad rep it unfortunately got. The FX 8370 is a fine processor and allows me to run any video game I want on Ultra settings @ 1080p without issue (I'm running a R9 290 with it). I've had that processor since it released and am very happy, although if I were upgrading right now.... I would stick with the FX 8350 for a while longer and upgrade the motherboard and processor to Zen when it releases in 2016.
I am planning on allowing AMD to iron out Zen and upgrade to it in 2017, by that time Zen should be in second generation at least and should be giving Intel a run for their money. Until I upgrade I am know I'm just fine with my FX 8370, DX 12 games will only improve the gaming capabilities of it and I'm sure I'll be playing all the latest games just fine till I upgrade to second generation Zen.