AMD FX 9590 bottleneck with GTX 980 SLI ?

Husen Kadhim

Oct 16, 2014
Hi , i have a fx 8350 and it's bottleneck with 970 sli 🙁 , so i need to buy anther cpu like fx 9370 or 9590 and i need to know are this cpu bottleneck with GTX 980 SLI or 970 SLI like my cpu 8350 ? or what can i do to solved this ?+?
To be honest with a 970/980 SLI setup you should go for an Intel build instead (I'm not even a fanboy). I think even the FX9590 will struggle to get the maximum perfomance out of two 980 cards.
To be honest with a 970/980 SLI setup you should go for an Intel build instead (I'm not even a fanboy). I think even the FX9590 will struggle to get the maximum perfomance out of two 980 cards.