AMD FX9370 Overheating?? With a Corsair H110i GTX??!


Dec 10, 2015
So i built this rig a little over 2 years ago.

As mentioned;
-AMD FX-9370
-Corsair H110i GTX (mounted in push config at the top of the case)
-M5A99X EVO R2.0
-16GB Mushkin 2133mhz DDR3
-2 SSD's mounted behind motherboard
-2 HDD's in front rack
-Raidmax 850watt Gold+
-Corsair 450D case

Its not had an overheating issue before. It was off for 6 months and the CPU has been hot as hell ever since i started using it again. However ambient temperatures are never over 23 C. Before it was put away it was being used in a hot climate and had no issue staying below 50 C, even in ambient temps of 35 C and above.

I changed the thermal paste- twice,
I cleaned and stripped the entire machine of dust.
I know the CPU is rated at 220w and the board is max at 125w but its not had an issue in 2 years.

Its now sitting with the side cover off and seems to be holding at 41C idle(Corsair Link). If i do anything, play a game or do an update even, CPU and Motherboard temps will shoot up over 70C and shut off my machine. I then wait 20 mins and turn it back on again and try a new strategy to keep things cool.
Its intermittent, the temperature just spikes up without notice.

Any ideas?
Did you ever think that two years of WAY TOO MUCH current and too little cooling (because of the liquid cooling on the CPU) has caused the voltage regulators on the motherboard to fail? The motherboard was not designed to do what you have done, you may have just killed it.

I actually just moved my HDD cage to the bottom of my case and now the airflow has improved and hey presto, no more overheating.

You may be right, it seems the problems start as soon as the cpu voltage goes toward threshold. Im looking to invest in a Pro R2.0 version of my current board, as it supports the 220w tdp. Just need to save up some money


Im going to try that but im losing hope at this stage.

What makes you say the psu is garbage? Its 80+ gold rated modular... And raidmax has always been true to me.

Im not exactly happy with the cpu due to its ridiculous tdp that i admittedly overlooked

Dump that crap CPU and buy a Ryzen or an Intel. Either one will have much more lifespan than what you have.

Made by a bad sticker company (they only make stickers) put on a PSU model made by bad PSU maker (Andyson).

It's not fit for any type of high end gaming PC. 80+, Modular, and wattage are meaningless measurements of quality.
I don't expect you to know any of this, you're just an uninformed consumer who bad quality PSU makers prey on.
It only having a 1 year warranty is pretty pathetic, as it means the manufacturer isn't confident it would last more than a year. Also It's extremely likely it's not actually 80+ GOLD because in reviews of the 1000w model, it fails the efficiency requirements.

As a counterpoint, a GOOD power supply company, Seasonic, have PSUs that have 10 year warranties, and they were so confident in that, they even extended the warranty on some of their models an additional 2 years, and this applied retroactively to already sold products.
So here is a solution to this post, and id like to thank everyone that commented as your input was useful, although somewhat harsh. But I've come to expect that from keyboard warriors.

So as kanewolf fist commented, years of electrical abuse on the components have indeed almost destroyed the voltage regulator circuit of the motherboard around the socket. However because ASUS are a bunch of clever motherfools they added a ton of safeguards and extra strong components that can handle the Visheras stupidly hungry diet, 220w of pure fury.

This is *not* a crap chip and yall can get stuffed for saying so because you're clearly talking out your ass. Its *never* let me down (AMD FTW) even though its been under-powered its whole life by 95w (43% of its total tdp)

All i needed to do was set a default cpu voltage of 1.32 and its running PERFECTLY. 32C constantly under load or idle.

The fault here was my own user error of overlooking the specs. Dont be so quick to dismiss components just because people havent had great experiences, often its their own stupidity not allowing the pieces to work together properly.

I will stand by my comment. A 200W TDP is a HORRIBLE design. AMD had nothing to combat Intel. So they brought those CPUs out. They have caused many members here to waste thousands of dollars on hardware that was never stable for them. I am surprised nobody has tried a class action lawsuit.

I'd can the sarcasm that you haven't earned and nobody in this thread deserved. ASUS were apparently so clever "motherfools" that they adequately equipped this motherboard to run 220W CPUs but didn't even tell anyone or even list support for the 220W CPUs, so that only very special people could discover their secret and become grandmasters of twelth-dimension chess.

Fact is, the 9370 and 9590 are notorious CPUs, that are a constant headache for anyone who troubleshoots that platform regularly. They're poorly designed, binned FX-8350s clocked to the moon, a sop to the Clockrate Über Alles attitude that essentially set Intel back for a generation when they took that path during the end of the Pentium 4 era. They require high-end cooling, motherboard, and power supply to maximize the chances of stability. And as a chip, their performance does nothing to justify this nightmarish series of requirements. Your cooling is fine, but your motherboard is inadequate, and Raidmax goes to the "cheapest Andyson platform possible with junk Chinese capacitors" well more often than an alcoholic goes to a bar.

The posters in this thread took the time to care about your problems and examine your build. You repaid them with acid-tongued barbs about keyboard warriors and such.