AMD FX9590 CPU Fan and Case, H110iGTX?


Sep 30, 2015
Recently built a new machine and had overheating issues with my CPU, the AMD FX-9590 (i know, bad decision). While transcoding films from ISO's to MP4s using Handbrake and while gaming, once reaching a temperature around 70 degrees celsius (tracked using HWMonitor) my PC freezes. I've temporarily remedied this by underclocking my processor from 4.7Ghz stock speed to 3.8Ghz, turning off the AMD turbo boost function and limiting the number of cores that can be used while transcoding. Tried undervolting but was unsuccessful.

Current PC Specs:

  • 16GB DDR3 RAM
    AMD FX 9590 4.7Ghz CPU
    ASUS Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 Strix Graphics Card
    Corsair HX1000i PSU
    Sabertooth 990FX Motherboard
    CPU Fan: Zalman CNPS 9900 Max
    Case is some small antec one, had it for years forgot the name.

I'm aware my CPU fan is completely sub par. So my aim is to get a new case that's larger and has better air flow and of course a new CPU cooler.


1. Was thinking of getting the Corsair H110i GTX as the CPU cooler replacement, do you recommend it? (

2. I saw on tom's hardware that liquid coolers in general don't adequately cool the northbridge because the fans are away from the motherboard or something, is this true?

3. My PSU (HX1000i) has its fan facing upwards, and I currently have a case that mounts the PSU in the top, however the case I'm looking at - the corsair vengeance c70 - bottom mounts the PSU, does that mean i should turn the PSU fan to be facing downwards for cool air intake?

4. I've seen some pictures online of my PSU (HX1000i) with the fan facing down instead of up and the writing still the correct way up, how do you do this?

5. Is the Corsair Vengeance c70 a good case?(

6.What causes the 3 case fans in the Corsair Vengeance C70 to spin?

7. My Graphics cards fans only spin at around 15% while gaming, I'm able to increase this using ASUS GPU Tweak, 15% seems very low to me, is it definitely cool enough?

INTENDED USE: Transcoding films and Gaming (TF2 and Steam games)
Do not want to overclock, just want to be able to run at 4.7Ghz

Have a very large budget. Purchasing from the UK (mostly use amazon).

If you can answer anything I'd be extremely grateful :) Thanks for reading!
1. I don't think the h110i gtx supports the AM3+ socket that the fx series uses.
2. The motherboard temps will be fine if you have adequate air flow through your case.
3. If it has an airflow hole for the fan in the bottom, you can mount it either way. It depends on how you want the air flowing through the psu.
4. your just flip it around, the holes should match up, most power supplies allow to be mounted with fan up or down.
5. Most cases just hold the components and some offer better air flow. Just go with whatever you like and make sure you will have good air flow.
6. You will connect the fans to motherboard fan headers.
7. Just keep an eye on your temps and make sure they don't go too high, use msi afterburner or evga precision x16...
1. I don't think the h110i gtx supports the AM3+ socket that the fx series uses.
2. The motherboard temps will be fine if you have adequate air flow through your case.
3. If it has an airflow hole for the fan in the bottom, you can mount it either way. It depends on how you want the air flowing through the psu.
4. your just flip it around, the holes should match up, most power supplies allow to be mounted with fan up or down.
5. Most cases just hold the components and some offer better air flow. Just go with whatever you like and make sure you will have good air flow.
6. You will connect the fans to motherboard fan headers.
7. Just keep an eye on your temps and make sure they don't go too high, use msi afterburner or evga precision x16 with on screen display to see what temps you are getting, 80 should be max, but i don't like anything over 70. Also depends on the GPU. You can set custom fan curves in these programs as well.
i use the Hydro Series™ H110 280mm Extreme Performance Liquid on my computer and my temps are fine. But when i bought the cooler i took advice and also got a better thermal compound to put on instead of the stuff they have from factory. The stuff i used is called MX-4 which seems to be on amazon uk. I'm not good with cases so i just bought a phanteks large tower i forget the exact name but its black,steel and heavy so the 8kg sounds not too bad. I mounted mine on the top and it blows air from the outside on mine through the radiator onto the motherboard and i have a fan spinning air from the front flowing out through the fan spinning air out the back. All these fans on mine are routed to a place where you can connect up to 6 fans(each a 4 pin connector or was it 3 pins) and power from a cable from the psu and another cable connected to sys fan_1(or pwr fan if you like or sysfan 2 or cpufan) on mine for the 6 fan split the sys_fan 1 or wherever you connect it to on your motherboard will sense the speed of the first fan and just split that same amount of power to the other 5 fans so if they are all the same size they will all spin at the same speed. Anyways i recommend the cooler and with MX-4 or a better compound that that one if you can find it.