AMD Gaming Evolved - am I missing anything by removing this?


Apr 9, 2013
Just had my first experience with this, as I was running an older rig with older catalyst drivers. I played with it a bit, but it just seems like it's for recording game play and "attempting" to tell you the best graphics settings.

I removed the raptor program via windows 7 program removal, so I hope it's completely gone.

Can anyone just verify that it's really unnecessary for gaming as far as graphics and settings are concerned, and was a simple removal of raptor the right way to toss it?

Thanks in advance!
You don't need it unless you want to record your gaming. That is the first thing I always dump (or choose not to install) when I install a new Catalyst.
I confirm, it's completely unnecessary.

And if you really need to record your gameplays, there's OBS doing the same.
It just requires a couple extra hoops of configuration to jump through, but it can still provide GPU-powered recording.
You're welcome.
Not to sound annoying, but could you please select clutchc's answer as the best? It'll make it easier to get an answer for people with a similar question, and he correctly answered first anyways, so he deserves it 😛

No worries! Done.