Admin Administrator Staff member Nov 21, 2018 23,599 1,098 44,560 Dec 16, 2021 #1 AMD starts Halo Infinite Advanced Combat Exercises (ACE) Contest. AMD Giving Away Radeon RX 6900 XT Halo Infinite Cards : Read more
AMD starts Halo Infinite Advanced Combat Exercises (ACE) Contest. AMD Giving Away Radeon RX 6900 XT Halo Infinite Cards : Read more
L lazyabum Reputable Jan 16, 2021 100 21 4,585 Dec 17, 2021 #2 The Radeon RX 6900 XT is finally coming out.
H husker Distinguished Oct 2, 2009 1,253 243 19,670 Dec 17, 2021 #3 What would really be cool is if I went to AMD's website and I gave them a bunch of money and they would sell me a card. Now that would be newsworthy.
What would really be cool is if I went to AMD's website and I gave them a bunch of money and they would sell me a card. Now that would be newsworthy.