AMD Installer Stuck


Jun 5, 2014
I have upgraded my graphics card from a gtx 550ti to a r9 270x and have completely removed the drivers for the old graphics card. But now when I try to install the drivers for the r9 270x the installer gets stuck at "Analysing System." I have restarted my computer and reopened the installer several times but it is still stuck at the same place. Any help is appreciated

*i5 4460
*Windows 7
*Screenshot of gpu-z

Thank you for your help! :)
Before you run the Ati graphics driver installer.
Right click on the install Icon and select: Run as administrator from the pull down menu options.

There you go Jared.
Insufficient account privileges. will halt the install process.
So make sure you run the file as an admin.

Let me know if it worked ok for you.


Temporary disabled your antivirus software.
If disabling any antivirus software, and it`s real time system protection does not work.
I would check your system for any missing motherboard drivers.
As it looks to me that the driver is trying to check something to do with the chip set of the motherboard other than the graphics card in the system.

And why it would halt at analyzing the system.

An easy way to tell is to click on start, control panel. and device manager of windows.

If next to any bit of hardware listed you have a yellow exclamation mark it means you need to install a driver in most cases for your motherboard.

And as said is probably the cause as to why the ATI graphics card installer halts at the analyzing your system.

You should also be aware that some R9 270X cards require extra 12v Pci-e power to be connected from the psu of the system to the card.

If you have failed to connect these the result is also the Ati driver install halts due to a lack of power to the graphics card, as it canot be detected in the system due to it, Jared.

I`m betting that may be the cause so check to see if you have connected power to the graphics card from the psu of your system.
??? Double check Jared.

Thank you for your detailed response!
The power should not be an issue since I have a 750 psu and I have also checked that the graphics card is properly connected. There are also no yellow exclamation marks in the device manager. Should I just return to the gtx 550 ti?