AMD Introduces $1,800 ATI FirePro V8750

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yes it will play crysis and alot of people don't know but its a ATI HD4890 with a firepro bios. i just buy those cards and flash em, saving me $$$$

all the FireGl/Pros are just gaming cards with different bios, if the counterpart can run crysis or that one game you want than so can your 1.8k card.
Being that almost all professional cards have a consumer twin, I wonder what the consumer twin is? Sounds like a 4890 with lots of RAM. Pretty awesome, none the less.
[citation][nom]whywastemoney[/nom]yes it will play crysis and alot of people don't know but its a ATI HD4890 with a firepro bios. i just buy those cards and flash em, saving me $$$$all the FireGl/Pros are just gaming cards with different bios, if the counterpart can run crysis or that one game you want than so can your 1.8k card.[/citation]
You beat me to it. So it is a 4890.
The reason for the high price is the driver support. I've heard stories of people haven't very specific problems, contacting Nvidia or AMD and getting custom drivers to fix the problem sometimes within hours. That service alone is worth the price point to a lot of company's.
[citation][nom]bk420[/nom]that's crazy...Half-off once AMD crashes and burns.[/citation]

Do you really want AMD to "Crash and Burn"..??? I wonder what kind of crap Nvidia will produce without any competition to push them in their R&D... and what price would they be able to FORCE us to pay????
Sorry I didn't mean to piss-off AMD fans(i am one). I'm just being serious. This card is too expensive. Especially if the only thing it has over the dated HD4890 is 1GB RAM,diff. BIOS and fancy software. There is no real point when the new OpenCL and DX11 cards come out.

Why the heck does anybody care about this card! We all know that Like the Tesla it will probably suck for games. Only good for developement. This is another stunt to get people excited about AMD, just like the $11600 TWKR sold on ebay. The person that bought that must feel so _________. (fill in the blank)

On top of that, who the heck HERE has 1800 bones to blow on such a card!?

I just want to see some cheap DX11 "HD5850 X2" cards? that support OpenCL.
Is this of a higher quality (aside from GRAM) of it's consumer counterpart?
I've heard of people flashing a consumer to a workstation before...
But what about flashing a workstation to a consumer BIOS in attempt for a small gaming performance gain? Some people have money to blow...
i like how they deleted my post but my POINT was that both pro and consumer cards are from the same chip, drivers and support is why you have to pay an extra $1400 for it. if you don't care about tech support just softmod your gaming card in like a minute.
as for anamaniac the gain is small its easier just to overclock it in rivatuner. i was playing L4D with a real v3750 and it was just a little bit slower than a 4650. same chip different clock and bios, it managed to play it at 1080p :)
[citation][nom]bk420[/nom]Sorry I didn't mean to piss-off AMD fans(i am one). I'm just being serious. This card is too expensive. Especially if the only thing it has over the dated HD4890 is 1GB RAM,diff. BIOS and fancy software. There is no real point when the new OpenCL and DX11 cards come out. Why the heck does anybody care about this card! We all know that Like the Tesla it will probably suck for games. Only good for developement. This is another stunt to get people excited about AMD, just like the $11600 TWKR sold on ebay. The person that bought that must feel so _________. (fill in the blank)On top of that, who the heck HERE has 1800 bones to blow on such a card!?I just want to see some cheap DX11 "HD5850 X2" cards? that support OpenCL.[/citation]

get out!
[citation][nom]bk420[/nom]Sorry I didn't mean to piss-off AMD fans(i am one). I'm just being serious. This card is too expensive. Especially if the only thing it has over the dated HD4890 is 1GB RAM,diff. BIOS and fancy software. There is no real point when the new OpenCL and DX11 cards come out. Why the heck does anybody care about this card! We all know that Like the Tesla it will probably suck for games. Only good for developement. This is another stunt to get people excited about AMD, just like the $11600 TWKR sold on ebay. The person that bought that must feel so _________. (fill in the blank)On top of that, who the heck HERE has 1800 bones to blow on such a card!?I just want to see some cheap DX11 "HD5850 X2" cards? that support OpenCL.[/citation]
wow... some people are just total noobs. Its not for your gaming or mass loads of pr0n viewing(well maybe), its for WORKSTATIONS.
joeman42. AutoCAD is a 2D line drawing program. Nobody uses it for any real mechanical design work. Autodesk's solid modeler is Inventor. It also switched to Direct3D from OpenGL a few years ago. As more vendors move to Direct3D from OpenGL, these workstation cards will vanish.
To the "know-it-alls" who are balking at the $1,800 price or trying to find the comparative card, you obviously don't understand the requirements for high-end computing and/or ever been involved in engineering, scientific, or high value commercial projects. Let's put it this way: An engineer costs $75K per year. A workstation with support, hardware, and software will cost $20K plus $3K per year in support - YMMV. Additionally high-end software like Pro-E CAD/CAM license will run about $25-35,000 per user. When you have multi-million to multi-billion dollar projects relying on speed and reliability, $1800 video card is very cheap considering how important it is. This video card is "workstation class" hence more than 60% of it's cost are for higher level support, higher quality materials for longer and harder use, and the lower volume. If you were to even consider it for gaming - you aren't even in the right ballpark. DT
Autocad is nowhere near a 2d line program anymore, try using autocad architecture, its a full 3d bim program, although revit is much better IMO.

This news article is misleading, from what he is saying in the video the $1800 is for the card and a proprietory software package combined.
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