AMD Launches Athlon Processor at 1300 and 1333 MHz

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Only a few weeks ago we learned from AMD's president Hector Ruiz that AMD is not feeling under any particular pressure to release the next speed grade Athlon processor, as long as the current models are successfully competing against the Pentium 4 products of archenemy Intel. A handful of reviewers and analysts know very well that samples of Athlon 1333 processors are running flawlessly for more than a month now. Today, on the first day of CeBIT2001/Germany, the world's largest computer convention, AMD is finally releasing its new high-speed Athlon processors. We have put them through rigorous testing.

AMD Launches Athlon Processor at 1300 and 1333 MHz : Read more
I've had mine for 10 years now and it still runs great! If you're a traveler to the future and are wondering which chip to get in the year 2001, this one is hard to beat.
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